[Accountability-dt] Call tomorrow? And Frankfurt meeting

Matthew Shears mshears at cdt.org
Sun Nov 23 21:58:35 UTC 2014

Hi all

Could someone confirm that we have a call tomorrow - its has appeared in 
my calendar and wanted to make sure.

As you are aware the CWG IANA transition for the names community met in 
Frankfurt this past week.  Progress was made on a new strawman that can 
be seen in the attached.  Couple of points:  1) the flow charts are 
illustrative; 2) the strawman and the various entities have not been 
agreed - they are for discussion - and much of the critical detail is 
missing from the model largely due to a lack of time.

Of particular interest to this group was the discussion around 
accountability generally.  Frankly we did not address it in sufficient 
detail again largely for a lack of time.  When it did come up it became 
clear that there were differing interpretations of the linkages between 
the IANA transition work and the accountability track.  There were also 
differing views of the degree of accountability and external oversight 
needed.   We talked about the need to address the issue of stewardship 
and to have placeholders in the WG proposal for inputs from the 
accountability track but these were not explored in any further detail.  
It was therefore understandable that there were concerns expressed at 
the end of the meeting that the group had not addressed accountability 
sufficiently and that we were at risk of losing an opportunity to 
realize the interdependencies.

I am not sure what we as the drafting team can do about this but thought 
we may want to discuss further if we are having a call in the near future.


Matthew Shears
Director - Global Internet Policy and Human Rights
Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT)
mshears at cdt.org
+ 44 771 247 2987

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