[APRALO-Policy] Welcome and Call to join the APRALO RoSI Project Team (ending 7 June 2024)

Justine Chew justine.chew.icann at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 07:04:55 UTC 2024

Hello all,

I've only received 3 expressions of interest to volunteer for Project RoSI
Small Team (thanks, Cheryl, Mohan and Jasmine).  So, I am sending the one
and only reminder to anyone else who would like to help with improving the
APRALO Register of Skills & Interest submission form over time by
conducting PERIODIC beta testing and providing PERIODIC strategic input to
the submission form, between June to November 2024.

Please let me know if you're interested in helping out by replying to just
me by your end of today, Friday, 7 June 2024. While we don't really need a
large team for for this project, I won't mind having two or three more
people to make up an immediate small team of maximum five or six people.


On Mon, 3 Jun 2024 at 12:39, Justine Chew <justine.chew.icann at gmail.com>

> Dear APRALO Policy Forum Members,
> Firstly, a happy welcome back to our returning members and a warm welcome
> to new members who have been and continue to be subscribed to the APF since
> April 2024. You are all listed at the APF wiki workspace members list
> <https://community.icann.org/display/APRALO/APRALO+Policy+Forum#APRALOPolicyForum-Members>
> .
> Secondly, I hope you have been finding this year's APF initiatives
> <https://community.icann.org/display/APRALO/APRALO+Policy+Forum#APRALOPolicyForum-2024Activities>
> useful and have found a way to at least participate in some, if not all, of
> them. We welcome your continued interest in and support for our programs
> and initiatives. Which brings me to .......
> Thirdly, we are reactivating the *APRALO Register of Skills & Interests
> Project* (which I fondly refer to as *Project RoSI*) and I am now making
> a fresh call for membership to the Project RoSI Small Team.
> Please first have a quick look at the *APRALO Register of Skills &
> Interests Workspace* <https://community.icann.org/x/YALECQ>, particularly
> at the 2024 entries, to determine if you might be interested in
> contributing to this project, noting that finer details to the work scope
> will be developed over time.
> If you are interested, *please let me know of your interest (preferably
> by reply to just me) by Friday, 7 June 2024*. Please note that we don't
> really need a large team for Project RoSI so I may close the call for
> expressions of interest once a suitably sized small team has been
> assembled.
> Kind regards,
> *Justine Chew*
> Chair, *APRALO Policy Forum* <https://community.icann.org/x/TwDQC> (APF)
> APF Fireside Chats Program Lead
> APRALO Register of Skills & Interests Project Lead
> Schedule a call with me <https://calendar.app.google/zPXMVZgVihygftrA7>
> -----
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