Laila Sylvesta Jensen lsj at punktum.dk
Fri Sep 22 08:47:51 UTC 2023

Your full name: Laila Sylvesta Jensen
Your e-mail address: lsj at punktum.dk
Your ccTLD: Punktum.dk
Your geographic region: EU
Full name of the person you nominate to the ccNSO council: Nicklas Pousette
e-mail address of the person you nominate: nicklas.pousette at internetstiftelsen.se<mailto:nicklas.pousette at internetstiftelsen.se>

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Laila Sylvesta Jensen
Juridisk chef / Head of Legal

[Et billede, der indeholder tekst, skærmbillede, whiteboard, medier  Automatisk genereret beskrivelse]<https://tjekpånettet.dk/tjekpaanettet>

[cid:image002.png at 01D9ED42.3CCA84F0]<https://www.facebook.com/heledanmarks.dk>[cid:image003.png at 01D9ED42.3CCA84F0]<https://www.linkedin.com/company/punktumdk>[cid:image004.png at 01D9ED42.3CCA84F0]<https://www.instagram.com/heledanmarks.dk/>

Punktum dk A/S * Ørestads Boulevard 108, 11. sal * 2300 København S
+45 33 64 60 60  * +45 2981 7610 * lsj at punktum.dk<mailto:lsj at punktum.dk> * www.punktum.dk<http://www.punktum.dk/>

This is an email from Punktum dk A/S. This message may contain confidential information and is intended solely for the use of the intended addressee. If you are not the intended addressee, please notify the sender immediately and delete this e-mail from your system.

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