[Ccnso-nominations] Nomination of Peter Koch

Ondrej Filip ondrej.filip at nic.cz
Fri Sep 29 08:56:40 UTC 2023

Your full name:		Ondřej Filip
Your e-mail address:	ondrej.filip at nic.cz
Your ccTLD:	CZ
Your geographic region:	Europe
Full name of the person you nominate to the ccNSO council: Peter Koch
e-mail address of the person you nominate:	pk at denic.de

  (  CZ.NIC z.s.p.o.                              )
   Ondrej Filip  -  CEO

   Office : Milesovska 5, Praha 3,  Czech Republic
   Email  : ondrej.filip at nic.cz  http://www.nic.cz
   Private: feela at network.cz

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