[Ccpdp-rm] ccPDP3-RM at ICANN75 | 18 September 5:15-6:30 UTC

Bart Boswinkel bart.boswinkel at icann.org
Sun Sep 18 05:03:27 UTC 2022

Dear all,
During the upcoming WG meeting we will use the included version of the document
As we will have guests to introduce the review mechanism, suggest they go first
Then we focus on main issue: scope of ccPDP versus stability and security concerns
And then go through the updates from last call
Kind regards,

From: kimberly.carlson at icann.org
When: 07:15 - 08:30 18 September 2022
Subject: [Ccpdp-rm] ccPDP3-RM at ICANN75 | 18 September 5:15-6:30 UTC
Location: At ICANN75

Dear ccNSO ccPDP3-RM,

The ccNSO ccPDP3-RM at ICANN75 is scheduled for:

Sunday, 18 September 2022

  *   PDP3 Review Mechanism [75.schedule.icann.org]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/75.schedule.icann.org/meetings/5pjHKrnhRvjXxcKGh__;!!PtGJab4!8wb2OBHxbdOBSn4IUa4WfLaZ0AvCXRCKswya36JcNYYvcI5DafBPifSSGZJ1DlFBFZsMxIp3yGR0us4OcGUC1CgECjk$> | 5:15-6:30 UTC

The ICANN75 schedule has been published:  https://75.schedule.icann.org/ [75.schedule.icann.org]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/75.schedule.icann.org/__;!!PtGJab4!8wb2OBHxbdOBSn4IUa4WfLaZ0AvCXRCKswya36JcNYYvcI5DafBPifSSGZJ1DlFBFZsMxIp3yGR0us4OcGUC9lWTex4$>
ccNSO-related sessions:  https://community.icann.org/x/A4JJD (agendas and background materials will be posted here)
All sessions are open, and observers are welcome (unless otherwise noted).  Calendar notices will be sent to individual working group/committee members and to those who request one.

ICANN75 information repository:   https://community.icann.org/x/A4JJD

How to Export the Schedule:

If you would like to export your agenda to your personal calendaring tool, sign in on your desktop computer and complete the following steps:

  *   Once signed in > Click on "Schedule" tab > "Full Agenda" or "My Agenda".
  *   Select "Export" > "Export Full Agenda (ics)" or "Export My Agenda (ics)".
  *   A file download will begin and save as "meetings.ics".
  *   Find the downloaded file> Right click on the file, select "Open-as" > Select the calendar program you wish to save these meetings to.
  *   Once the calendar file opens, click "Save". You should now see all your sessions on your calendar program in your preferred time zone.

On mobile devices, simply open the mobile app to see your personal schedule.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,
Kim Carlson

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