[Ccpdp-rm] ccPDP3-RM at ICANN75 | 18 September 5:15-6:30 UTC

Nigel Roberts nigel at channelisles.net
Sun Sep 18 05:25:58 UTC 2022

Is this the relevant document for this meeting?

On 9/18/22 06:03, Bart Boswinkel via Ccpdp-rm wrote:
> Dear all,
> During the upcoming WG meeting we will use the included version of the 
> document
> As we will have guests to introduce the review mechanism, suggest they 
> go first
> Then we focus on main issue: scope of ccPDP versus stability and 
> security concerns
> And then go through the updates from last call
> Kind regards,
> BArt
> *From: *kimberly.carlson at icann.org
> *When: *07:15 - 08:30 18 September 2022
> *Subject: *[Ccpdp-rm] ccPDP3-RM at ICANN75 | 18 September 5:15-6:30 UTC
> *Location: *At ICANN75
> Dear ccNSO ccPDP3-RM,
> The ccNSO ccPDP3-RM at ICANN75 is scheduled for:
> *__*
> *_Sunday, 18 September 2022_*
>   * PDP3 Review Mechanism [75.schedule.icann.org]
>     <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/75.schedule.icann.org/meetings/5pjHKrnhRvjXxcKGh__;!!PtGJab4!8wb2OBHxbdOBSn4IUa4WfLaZ0AvCXRCKswya36JcNYYvcI5DafBPifSSGZJ1DlFBFZsMxIp3yGR0us4OcGUC1CgECjk$>|
>     5:15-6:30 UTC
> The ICANN75schedule has been published: https://75.schedule.icann.org/ 
> [75.schedule.icann.org] 
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/75.schedule.icann.org/__;!!PtGJab4!8wb2OBHxbdOBSn4IUa4WfLaZ0AvCXRCKswya36JcNYYvcI5DafBPifSSGZJ1DlFBFZsMxIp3yGR0us4OcGUC9lWTex4$>
> ccNSO-related sessions: https://community.icann.org/x/A4JJD 
> <https://community.icann.org/x/A4JJD>(agendas and background materials 
> will be posted here)
> All sessions are open, and observers are welcome (unless otherwise 
> noted).  Calendar notices will be sent to individual working 
> group/committee members and to those who request one.
> ICANN75 information repository: https://community.icann.org/x/A4JJD 
> <https://community.icann.org/x/A4JJD>
> *_How to Export the Schedule:_*
> If you would like to export your agenda to your personal calendaring 
> tool, sign in on your desktop computer and complete the following steps:
>   * Once signed in > Click on *"Schedule"* tab > *"Full Agenda"* or *"My
>     Agenda"*.
>   * Select *"Export"* > *"Export Full Agenda (ics)"* or *"Export My
>     Agenda (ics)"*.
>   * A file download will begin and save as *"meetings.ics"*.
>   * Find the downloaded file> Right click on the file, select
>     *"Open-as"* > Select the calendar program you wish to save these
>     meetings to.
>   * Once the calendar file opens, click *"Save"*. You should now see all
>     your sessions on your calendar program in your preferred time zone.
> On mobile devices, simply open the mobile app to see your personal schedule.
> If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate 
> to contact me.
> Best regards,
> Kim Carlson
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