[Comments-cct-recs-27nov17] Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice Review Team – New Sections to Draft Report of Recommendations

kiran kumar kiranjobmailid at gmail.com
Sun Jan 14 17:12:59 UTC 2018

Respected Sir ,

Please find the below Recommendations for DNS .  Kindly categorize the
details for CCT  in Icann.org

Thanks &Regards ,
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 DNS Recommendations For India

1) In  .in registry  High TTL (time to live) values on critical DNS records that result in painful propagation waits and downtime when trying to move traffic from one server to another;
2)DNS services outages, either due to a DDoS attack, hardware/network failures or other reason;
3)Failure to realize the impact that high DNS latency has on web performance, leading to lost sales and users;
4 )Improperly configured, or non-configured, DNS records, such as MX, SPF and DKIM, which can adversely impact email delivery and receipt; and Forgetting to properly renew, or losing control of, domain names.

Open DNS Issues 

I have been running with OpenDNS for over a year now and nothing on my local network has changed that I am aware of. Over the last few weeks the internet connection has been VERY patchy. One moment fine, the next NOT. Sometimes I have one browser session working (e.g. streaming video) whilst a new browser session can't connect to anything. The Web interface to the router sometimes reports the internet is down even whilst I am streaming data! I can be on standard sites and sometimes the images don't fully load (little crosses are displayed in place of images). This usually happens after the link is unavailable and it hasn't fully recovered. Sometimes I get complete outages and no browser sessions work. Then a few minutes it all comes back but only lasts a few minutes. It's very disruptive.

I found by changing my router primary and secondary DNS settings to my ISP's settings everything works reliably. However that means I have to turn on parental (OpenDNS) controls. The OpenDNS primary and secondary DNS settings are & .

I would really appreciate some help as I want to keep the level of protection for my kids that OpenDNS provides but at the moment it is causing terrible connectivity issues.

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