[Comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20] Blatant Cash Grab.

meme drift memedrift at gmail.com
Mon Feb 10 23:09:33 UTC 2020

To whom it may concern,

The internet is a vital part of our economy, a fact I'm sure you're well
aware of.  Secret deals made behind closed doors that result in a 75%
increase in the cost of the most numerous type of domain registration?
Hmmm, I wonder what is going on there?  Surely if this were really
necessary, you'd have asked us what we thought, you'd have brought it up
publicly and explained in a reasonable way why this increase is needed.

But you didn't.

Instead you slunk in, at the last minute, like a dog having taken food off
the table, head down, scuttling by, hoping to escape notice.  Giving the
least amount of time necessary for us  to respond.  It's shameful, although
I know you are immune to that feeling.  You have to have pride in what you
do to feel shame in doing it poorly.

Stop the process.  Give us time to discuss it.  If it's a real need, and
not just a shady cash grab, then we'll understand, and while we might not
like it, we'll go forward together.  But you won't do that will you?
You'll slink along, head held low, eyes downcast, because to you, your
pride and honor don't mean anything, and cash does.  You'll know this is a
slimy move, and we'll know it, and only you will continue to pretend that
you have any integrity, because even you don't like what you've become.
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