[Comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20] Angry over possibility of .com price increases

James Mullaly jemullaly at gmail.com
Wed Feb 12 00:17:46 UTC 2020

It makes me very frustrated to hear that ICANN is considering an agreement
with Verisign that will result in increased .COM domain fees over the next
several years.  I read tech news constantly and only found out about this
recently.  It appears ICANN worked on this without disclosing the idea to
the public beforehand.  Why?  Shouldn't something like this be voted on by
a larger group?  The increased cost to domain's will hit small businesses
and people with less money the hardest.

I DO NOT support this move and suggest ICANN drops this agreement
immediately.  If ICANN needs more money, come up with a way to "tax" the
most visited websites out there today.  They can clearly afford it!
https://moz.com/top500 or https://www.alexa.com/topsites

James Mullaly
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