[Comments-fy19-budget-19jan18] Concern about fellowship budget reduction

Patricia Akello ekisesta at gmail.com
Fri Feb 16 13:45:15 UTC 2018

I noticed the proposed Budget reduction by half on the ICANN fellowship
program while bonuses for ICANN employees is going up by Millions. This
reduction will significantly affect majority fellows  participation  in
ICANN activities, most of whom are from developing countries where access
to the basics are still a struggle. Fellows are volunteering in different
forums,and communities within ICANN, they incur costs to access internet
services which are not usually affordable. This reduction will further
stifle participation and engagement by fellow. I strongly urge and request
the budget team and ICANN Board to strongly consider having the fellowship
budget sufficient enough to support the  60 fellows it used to support.  A
reduction by 2 new/Planned hires will surely save the fellowship budget.

Esther Patricia
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