[Comments-org-renewal-18mar19] .org's should use their resources towards their missions not paying more for domain names

Lisa Helminiak lisa.helminiak at azulseven.com
Thu Apr 25 22:07:25 UTC 2019

To whom It May Concern,

"ICANN’s current contract with Public Interest Registry (PIR), the group
that runs the .org domain name, allows PIR to increase the wholesale price
of .org domains by 10% a year. Now ICANN is proposing extending the
contract to operate .org but *letting PIR set whatever prices it wants*."

Domain names are a public resource and should not be made profit centers.
This is bad policy and will affect organizations ability to retain their
hard won place on the public Internet.

Please stop this policy of allowing PIR to set whatever prices they want to
keep this resource affordable.

Thank you,


Lisa Helminiak
Principal | Azul Seven
skype: lisaazul

*The difficult is what takes a little time; the impossible is what takes a
little longer.*

*-Fridtjof Nansen, Nobel Peace Prize Winner*
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