[council] Some initial reactions from the ccNSO on the GNSO's message to Board regarding IDN TLDs

Avri Doria avri at psg.com
Tue Jan 15 08:58:44 UTC 2008


I have been having some background discussions with Chris Desspain,  
the chair of the ccNSO council, and others regarding the GNSO  
council's message and request to the Board.    At, at least, the first  
reading, there has been some level of concern on his part and the part  
of others in the ccNSO community with our message to the Board  
relating to IDN TLDs.  It has been interpreted by some as indicating  
that the GNSO is against the fast track and against IDNs.  While I  
tried to explain that this is neither what was written nor what was  
intended, it does seem to be interpreted that way by some.  The ccNSO  
is meeting today to discuss a reaction to the GNSO council's message.   
I expect to have more information on that tomorrow.

Regardless of what happens with their reaction two possibilities have  
come out of the discussion:

- the possibility of a face to face meeting between the two councils  
in New Delhi to discuss some of the different perspectives on the IDN  
TLD issue

- the exchange of liaisons between the two councils, so that in the  
future there would be a better understanding of each others  
intentions, processes and decisions.

I would like to find out if there is support for these two items among  
others on the council.



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