[council] Sponsorship... again

Stéphane Van Gelder stephane.vangelder at indom.com
Thu Feb 17 18:15:21 UTC 2011

Thank you David.

Envoyé de mon iPhone4

Le 17 févr. 2011 à 16:13, David Olive <david.olive at icann.org> a écrit :

> Stephane and Adrian:
> Yes, I have been in contact with Barbara Clay about this.
> Sorry for the delay in replying to your question.
> An explanation will be provided in the nest day or so.
> I will let you know.
> Regards,      David
> David A. Olive
> Vice President, Policy Development Support
> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
> 1101 New York Avenue, NW - Suite 930 - Washington, D.C.    20005
> Office: 202.570.7126      Mobile:  202.341.3611
> From: Stéphane van Gelder <stephane.vangelder at indom.com>
> Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 04:15:48 -0800
> To: Adrian Kinderis <adrian at ausregistry.com.au>
> Cc: GNSO Council List <council at gnso.icann.org>
> Subject: Re: [council] Sponsorship... again
> Could someone from Staff provide Adrian with an answer please?
> Stéphane
> Envoyé de mon iPhone4
> Le 17 févr. 2011 à 06:16, Adrian Kinderis <adrian at ausregistry.com.au> a écrit :
>> Just an update as I have raised this issue on this list a number of times.
>> I have sent numerous emails questioning the sponsorship packages for ICANN San Francisco.
>> We are now three weeks from ICANN San Francisco and I have not had any answer from ICANN staff at all. All I have been told is that is has been escalated to Nick Tomaso.
>> I don’t think I am asking too much in requesting some answers here. I think it is just plain rude to be ignored (you can tell I don’t like it right?).
>> I guess they have achieved their objective by not responding. We are now a sponsor at the inflated rate. We found some budget by firing a staff member and not supplying cookies in the staff kitchen. I hope some fellowship folks benefit from their trip to the beautiful city of San Francisco that we are supporting…
>> I look forward to reading how much revenue sponsorship brought in for this meeting and what the rates will be for Jordan.
>> Just remember, I support ICANN and I support newTLDs.
>> Adrian Kinderis
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