[council] Whois access

Stéphane Van Gelder stephane.vangelder at indom.com
Wed Apr 25 11:02:23 UTC 2012


This message is meant as a heads-up to you and a primer for one of the discussions we will have during our next Council meeting.

TheWhois access requirement has been added to our agenda for that meeting.

You will recall that on our consent agenda for the February 16 meeting, we considered a proposal to end this work. At that meeting, the ISP constituency requested that the proposal to end this work be removed from the consent agenda and considered as part of the GNSO's main agenda. A further suggestion was suggested that constituency/stakeholder members work with Staff to identify a path forward and that the topic be further discussed at the Costa Rica meetings.

Can I ask that you prepare for this agenda item at our next meeting so that we are in a position to decide on what course of action we would like to undertake for this project item, whether it can be terminated, and if not, what are the precise next steps for it?


Stéphane Van Gelder
Directeur Général / General manager
INDOM Group NBT France
Head of Domain Operations
Group NBT

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