[council] Notes from today's GNSO Council call

Maria Farrell maria.farrell at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 17:21:54 UTC 2014

This is terrific, Mikey. Thank you! Extremely useful to get a precis of it
while it's still fresh in our minds and before the official minutes come

Please keep them coming, if you can.

On 27 February 2014 16:33, Mike O'Connor <mike at haven2.com> wrote:

> hi all,
> as many of you know, i'm an obsessive note-taker in meetings.  i thought i
> would share my notes from the call this morning with this list and ask you
> to let me know if you would like me to continue sending them to this list
> as well.  these are mostly for me, and my ISPCP colleagues (so pay no
> attention to the action-items, those are mostly for me).  feel free to sing
> out if you find these annoying or unhelpful.  these are NOT official
> minutes, just personal notes of one member.
> disclaimer -- these are my notes and may contain errors of fact or
> understanding.  if something in here makes you unhappy, check with me or
> the person before taking extreme action.  :-)
> also note that item 6 and item 4 were reversed on the agenda, which is why
> these notes are not in strictest numeric sequence.
> mikey
> Council call - 27-Feb 2014
>    -
>    + - Item 1: Administrative matters (10 mins)
>    - 1.1 Roll Call
>       - + - 1.2 Statement of interest updates
>          - Maria Farrell
>          - ~ https://community.icann.org/display/gnsosoi/Maria+Farrell+SOI
>          <https://community.icann.org/display/gnsosoi/Maria+Farrell+SOI>
>        - 1.3 Review/amend agenda
>       - + - 1.4. Note the status of minutes for the previous Council
>       meeting per the GNSO Operating Procedures:
>          - Minutes of the GNSO Council meetings 23 January 2014 were
>          posted as approved on 17 February 2014.
>    + - Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List (10
>    mins)
>    - Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes /
>       topics
>       - Include review of Projects List and Action List.
>       - + - Comments or questions arising.
>          - Action: note a diary entry to review the list prior to each
>          meeting - and forward to the ISPCP list
>    Item 3: Consent agenda (0 mins)
>    + - Item 4: UPDATE & DISCUSSION - GNSO Engagement with the work of the
>    ICANN Strategy Panels (15 mins)
>    -
>       + - Here the Council will receive an update on any relevant
>       interaction with and output from the strategy panels and discuss any
>       appropriate action going forward.
>       - + - Update:
>             -
>             + - Strat Panels are out for comment
>             - ~ icann.org > En > News > Public-comment >
>                Strategy-panels-25feb14-en
>                <http://www.icann.org/en/news/public-comment/strategy-panels-25feb14-en.htm>
>                - ~ icann.org > En > News > Announcements >
>                Announcement-2-25feb14-en
>                <http://www.icann.org/en/news/announcements/announcement-2-25feb14-en.htm>
>             Fadi's recent update to AC/SO chairs -- on role panels and
>             their role in the strategy process -- concern about top-down was discussed
>             + - MSI panel --
>             -
>                + - 16 proposals (here's a link to my little matrix of the
>                proposals -- arrayed by Goal <--> Tool and Participation <--> Policy)
>                - ~ haven2.com > Wp-content > Uploads > 2007 > 07 >
>                   PDP-Overview-GAC-GNSO-v5
>                   <http://www.haven2.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/PDP-Overview-GAC-GNSO-v5.jpg>
>                + - Jonathan has reached out -- got off to a bit of a slow
>                start -- but meetings 2 weeks ago and yesterday
>                -
>                   + - flag waving - we're the Council and the GNSO - your
>                   work feels as though it overlaps our remit - so we are very tuned to you
>                   work
>                   - Novak offered to do some kind of interview --
>                      Jonathan was uncomfortable
>                   + - Yesterday's meeting
>                   -
>                      working toward a meeting with 1/2 members of the
>                      staff (govLab) people in singapore
>                      opportunity to home in on a subset of the
>                      recommendations that are more closely related to the policy work of the
>                      GNSO
>                + - 2 issues
>                - + - "top down" concern
>                      - Jonathan: best aimed at Fadi not the MSI panel
>                      - + - Discussion
>             - + - Berard
>                -
>                + - "this is something we need to talk about" reenforces
>                the "executivification" of ICANN -- it's really hard for a part time person
>                to stay above the raging water -- the community is becoming more
>                professional -- this is driving some of our community members mad -- the
>                more we can do to foster discussion at the broadest level in the community,
>                the better
>                - Jonathan shares concern over the raging water
>                   - Jonathan emphasises distinction between MSI content
>                   and MSI chartering
>                 - + - Amr
>                -
>                + - commisioning is very top down -- there is a lot of
>                work going on -- that's where the changes would have to be reviewed
>                -
>                   doesn't feel quite as concerned as others are
>                   + - Jonathan - we have the opportunity to engage --
>                   maybe a written response to the panel from the council
>                   - reaction to their work AND
>                      - work that the GNSO is doing
>                     - + - Stoll
>                -
>                + - we need to inform them to alert them to overlaps AND
>                we need to inform administration of concerns directly
>                - comments seem to go into a black hole
>                   - be careful in the engagement
>                 - + - Chiao
>                -
>                volunteers -- substantial proportion of cycles going to IG
>                issue
>                registries -- implementation requirements, additional load
>                of IG work -- overloaded is not just limited to volunteers in
>                non-contracted parties.  Ry's and Rr's are struggling to keep up with
>                implementation requirements in addition to policy-making and IG discussion.
>                 Very hard, especially for smaller registries.
>                + - ICANN is now representing all of our voices -- will
>                people outside of ICANN have a chance to talk with the community directly?
>                 Is ICANN trying to represent us, rather than letting that conversation
>                take place directly?
>                - maybe it's time for constituencies to step out
>                 - + - Greimann
>                -
>                topics are very worthwhile -- also helpful to have an
>                outside voice -- however i think this effort should have come in the ICANN
>                way -- thus they have a bit of a birth defect because of the way they were
>                launched -- we shouldn't be deferential, give advice, should be seen as
>                comparable to the GAC
>                 - + - Greenberg
>                -
>                MSI - remember they were put in place to comment on the
>                *whole* MS model, not just GNSO -- their remit is broader - they were asked
>                to suggest changes - informed process --  they DID suggest changes and we
>                need to embrace/refine their suggestions without appearing defensive
>                  - + - Followup
>             - Jonathan will follow up with Theresa about how we can best
>             interact with these panels
>    + - Item 5: UPDATE - PDP Working Group on Translation &
>    Transliteration of Contact Information (10 mins)
>    -
>       The GNSO Council recently initiated a Policy Development Process
>       (PDP) on the Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information. As
>       part of its efforts to obtain broad input from the ICANN Community at an
>       early stage of its deliberations, the Working Group has requested input
>       from the Supporting Organizations (including the GNSO) and Advisory
>       Committees on several questions relating to the issues identified in the
>       PDP Final Issue Report.
>       + - 5.1 - Update (Ching Chiao)
>       - presented by Chris Dillon - cochair
>          - + - request for input - deadline is tomorrow
>             - https://community.icann.org/x/FTR-Ag
>       + - 5.2 - Discussion
>       - + - Chiao - thanks Chris, encourages comments from constituencies
>             - Action: remind ISPCP of need for input
>       5.3 - Next steps
>    + - Item 6: UPDATE & DISCUSSION - International Internet Governance
>    Issues  (20 mins)
>    -
>       Discussions and activity relating to international Internet
>       Governance issues are attracting a great deal of attention in ICANN and
>       related groups. This item is on the agenda to provide an opportunity for
>       discussion within the Council about how this impacts the role and work of
>       the Council and mindful of the scope and remit of the Council, what action
>       the Council should or could be taking.
>       + - 4.1 - Status update (Sally Costerton)
>       - Jonathan: what should be focusing on at Council
>          - + - Sally:
>             - + - several streams around IG
>                - + - Background
>                   -
>                   + - Buenos Aires - became clear that profile of IG was
>                   increasing - triggered by Snowden issue
>                   - the rest of the world had "woken up"
>                      - resurfaced WCIT issues
>                   very full IG calendar in 2014
>                   Fadi's view - sense that there is frustration over how
>                   hard IG issues are to resolve
>                   ITU - march toward their meeting late in the year --
>                   debate around whether they're going to change their remit
>                   if we don't participate others will do it for us
>                    - + - 1Net
>                   -
>                   discussion forum where debate is taking place in great
>                   detail
>                   now has a steering committee
>                   + - web forum is up and running -- discussion is
>                   migrating that direction -- much easier to follow than the overwhelming
>                   traffic on the email list
>                   - ~ https://forum.1net.org/ <https://forum.1net.org/>
>                    - + - CCWG
>                   - discuss and collect input
>                   - meeting weekly
>                   - goal: position by the end of March
>                   - + - email archive
>                      -
>                      http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ccwg-internet-governance/
>                    - + - web page
>                      -
>                      https://community.icann.org/display/CPMMB/ICANN+Community+Preparation+for+the+Multistakeholder+Meeting+in+Brazil+Home
>                        - + - Hi Level Panel (5th panel)
>                   - + - 3 f2f meetings
>                      - December
>                      - now
>                      - May
>                    - there is to be a submission to the Brazil meeting
>                 - + - NetMundial
>                   - goal: HOW to decide, not decide
>                   - submissions of principle and framework
>                   - late April, just after Easter
>                   - hosted by Brazilian govt
>                   - 4 cochairs
>                   - Hi level committee -- just met this week -- goal:
>                   good attention/attendance by governments
>                   - deadline for registration is tomorrow (28-Feb)
>                   - + - registration web page
>                      - ~ content.netmundial.br > Interests > Expression
>                      <http://content.netmundial.br/interests/expression>
>                    - + - overall web page
>                      - ~ netmundial.br <http://netmundial.br/>
>                     - + - Singapore
>                   - NCSG event -- starts at 10am, Friday before meeting,
>                   10:00 - 18:00, followed by reception w/Fadi
>                   - Several events during the ICANN meetings
>       + - 4.2 - Discussion
>       - + - Berard;
>             -
>             + - ccNSO: categories of participation in NetMudial
>             meetingdon't make room for ccTLD managers -- is this a metaphor for the way
>             that IG discussions aren't leaving room for individual members of ICANN
>             - + - tactical - ccNSO members?
>                   - open registration meeting - everybody is welcome -
>                   first come first served attendance
>                   - strongly encourage participation
>             + - Snowden revelations provide excellent cover for political
>             intent -- what is Fadi's public position on this?
>             -
>                Maria Farrell: John - the Montevideo statement sets out
>                pretty clearly the concern re. pervasive monitoring and Internet
>                stewardship. Fadi signed it for ICANN so I think it's fair to say he sees a
>                link. Even if some use the Snowden revelations tactically, the fact remains
>                that many have lost faith in the impartiality of the USG.
>                + - Costerton: get asked questions about globalization of
>                ICANN and Snowden - we don't have a particular view - realization within
>                the US govt that structures may need to change
>                - need to reenforce other voices at the table
>             + - Richard Clark transcript -- the two issues are as far
>             apart as one could find
>             -
>                ~ windowsitpro.com > Identity-management >
>                Richard-clarke-rsa-conference-10-observations-us-intelligence-gathering
>                <http://windowsitpro.com/identity-management/richard-clarke-rsa-conference-10-observations-us-intelligence-gathering>
>                  - + - Farrell
>             -
>             + - Board resolution on globalization - disquite on lack of
>             consultation, yet more CEO appointed panels, a lot of CEO-led activity
>             going on.  concern about Council role in this ad hoc series of actions by
>             administration
>             -
>                + - Board chair saw a lot of email on this -- perhaps the
>                1net list?
>                -
>                   ~ Marika Konings: Please note that this is the email
>                   from Steve Crocker that Sally was referring to:
>                   http://1net-mail.1net.org/pipermail/discuss/2014-February/002194.html
>                   <http://1net-mail.1net.org/pipermail/discuss/2014-February/002194.html>
>                Costerton; with her engagement hat on -- groups are to
>                facilitate the discussion that you have described Maria -- they will be in
>                Singapore and given a public block - Council needs to know that their role
>                is to act as facilitator
>                + - Avri would very much have liked to participate the
>                process of setting this up - post is coming to the list
>                - Action: watch for that post
>                  - + - Cake:
>             - + - is there anything that the Council or SGs should do?
>                - reach out to communities and encourage them to
>                participate in Netmundial
>                - + - take a look at the BCG report
>                   - ~ icann.org > En > News > Announcements >
>                   Announcement-24jan14-en
>                   <http://www.icann.org/en/news/announcements/announcement-24jan14-en.htm>
>                   - + - Chiao
>             -
>             congratulates Costerton on ASIAPAC engagement -- AsiaPAC
>             members would like to be more engaged with the actual meetings, not just
>             talking to people in the region, bring people to the meeting table and
>             actually contribute
>       4.3 - Next steps
>    + - Item 7: UPDATE & DISCUSSION - GAC Engagement - the work of the
>    Joint GAC / GNSO Consultation Group (15 mins)
>    - Here the Council will receive an update and discuss any action going
>       forward.
>       - + - 7.1 - Status update
>          - + - Amr:
>             - + - Reviewed charter --
>                -
>                http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gac-gnso-cg/attachments/20140212/c6e3f7b6/GAC-GNSO-final-0001.pdf
>              - Two work streams - PDP early engagement and day to day
>             interaction
>            - + - 7.2 - Discussion
>          - + - Mikey
>             - Charter is done, proposals are in progress
>            - 7.3 - Next steps
>    + - Item 8: UPDATE & DISCUSSION - Forthcoming review of the GNSO (10
>    mins)
>    -
>       As part of a periodic review process that is built into the ICANN
>       model, ICANN board initiated reviews of the GNSO (and the GNSO Council and
>       related functions) are expected.  In order to be informed and effectively
>       prepared for this work, we have begun to engage with the body that
>       commissions such reviews (the structural improvements committee) through
>       its chair, Ray Plazk.
>       The Council will track the planning work of the SIC and, where
>       appropriate; provide relevant input to the process.  We will also prepare
>       to undertake a form of self-review in a similar format to that which we
>       expect to arise out of the work of the SIC.  A self-review will ensure that
>       we are not only prepared for the board initiated work but also able to flag
>       areas for potential improvement in as timely as possible a manner.
>       + - 8.1 - Update (Jennifer Wolfe)
>       -
>          there is no update since the last meeting -- still waiting for
>          an update from Ray
>          Jonathan: will there be a document prior to Singapore?  Marika:
>          nothing expected to be published before Singapore
>       8.2 - Discussion
>       8.3 - Next steps
>    + - Item 9: UPDATE & DISCUSSION - Planning for Singapore (15 mins)
>    -
>       Making the most out of the face-to-face meeting time available at
>       the ICANN Meeting in Buenos Aires will take planning.  GNSO Council Vice
>       Chair, David Cake will lead this and will be working with the Council and
>       staff on this effort.
>       Here the Council has the opportunity to feed into plans and provide
>       input based on past experience.  Included in this item will be the
>       opportunity to shape the approach to and substance of the Council's
>       proposed meetings with other groups in such as the CCNSO, the GAC and the
>       ICANN board.
>       + - 9.1 - Update (David Cake & Jonathan Robinson)
>       - Cake: very much Draft,
>       9.2 - Discussion
>       + - 9.3 - Next steps
>       - Action:  forward the draft schedule to the ISPCP list if it
>          hasn't been already  --  DONE
>    + - Item 10:  Any Other Business (10 mins)
>    - + - Community budget requests
>          - + - requests from the Council:
>             - Council development session,
>             - face-to-face PDP meetings (potential for facilitation),
>             - GAC GNSO reverse liaison (placeholder)
>            - + - ICANN Board Seat 14 - NCPH - additional Council meeting
>       Thursday, 10 April 2014 at 14:00 UTC
>          - this is a placeholder for that meeting -- Glen to follow up to
>          the list -- rationale for meeting
>        - + - Note the Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC)
>       presence in Singapore
>          - Action: schedule them with ISPCP on Tuesday?
>          - Action: note public session to ISPCP list
>        - + - Meeting Strategy WG has draft out for comment
>          - + - Action: forward to ISPCP list  - DONE
>             - ~ icann.org > En > News > Public-comment >
>             Meetings-strategy-25feb14-en
>             <http://www.icann.org/en/news/public-comment/meetings-strategy-25feb14-en.htm>
>           - Action: comments from ISPCP? - DONE
>        - + - Amr: EWG process -- is Issue report the same as the EWG
>       final report?
>          -
>          Marika: important to separate the two.  final report due London,
>          may be another round of public comment.
>          There is already an initial report underway -- EWG will feed
>          into that Issue Report, which will proceed to PDP because it's Board
>          initiated
> PHONE: 651-647-6109, FAX: 866-280-2356, WEB: www.haven2.com, HANDLE:
> OConnorStP (ID for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)
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