[council] DNS Entrepreneurship Center

Johan Helsingius julf at julf.com
Wed Nov 25 15:44:53 UTC 2015

Hi, Amr,

> My take on this would be that each stakeholder group/constituency
> within the GNSO needs to work on its own outreach.

I think I agree - but my concern is not so much with the outreach
effort GNSO wants to do, but more with outreach efforts that touch
on the GNSO areas of responsibility but are not coordinated with
the GNSO. It seems GAC has developed guidelines for coordination with
the global stakeholder engagement team, but I am not aware of any
similar arrangement between the GNSO and GSE.

I guess my problem is really a typical example of the challenges
in navigating the many-headed hydra of the ICANN organisation.

Am I correct in assuming the GSE is a pure staff function reporting
to the CEO?

My basic issue is with the somewhat schizophrenic role of
ICANN in developing and maintaining policies enabling the
smooth operation of the network on one hand, and acting as
a trade organisation and lobbyist on the other hand. Thus my
question actually becomes "who actually controls and decides
what domain name industry-affecting activities ICANN should
be involved in"?

I suspect the answer is "ultimately the board, through the CEO",
but is there any operational-level guidance beyond that?

"Not a concern for the GNSO" could of course also be a valid


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