[council] FW: Nominating Committee Criteria for Appointing GNSO Councilors

Marie Pattullo marie.pattullo at aim.be
Wed Jan 13 14:32:19 UTC 2021

Steve, all

Many thanks for this and apologies for missing your deadline. If still useful, some points that my former NomCom colleagues have raised:

·         We have to be conscious that in the past there have been complaints by some NomCom appointees about the volume of work required by the GNSO because they underestimated the responsibilities attached to the role – we need to be sure this is clear upfront. It is important that the GNSO clearly spells out the time requirement for the role so that interested candidates determine if they can volunteer for the required hours.

·         In this round, the NomCom would be filling both seats for voting appointees in each house of the GNSO, so please note that contrary to the edits in the current GNSO criteria, the voting NCAs, under the GNSO operating principles, are not eligible to become Chair of the Council - only the non-voting NCA can do that, in the event that both houses cannot reach a compromise on who would be Chair.

·         As the Council's business is conducted in English, it should indeed be a requirement that candidates can converse, write and understand English.

Hope this helps!

From: council <council-bounces at gnso.icann.org> On Behalf Of Olga Cavalli
Sent: Thursday, January 7, 2021 4:35 PM
To: Steve Chan <steve.chan at icann.org>
Cc: council at gnso.icann.org
Subject: Re: [council] Nominating Committee Criteria for Appointing GNSO Councilors

Dear Steve, dear colleagues

Happy new year!!

Steve I added some text to the shared document.

Many thanks and best regards

El mié, 23 dic 2020 a las 16:08, Steve Chan (<steve.chan at icann.org<mailto:steve.chan at icann.org>>) escribió:
Dear Councilors,

The GNSO Council was invited to review the position description that the ICANN Nominating Committee uses in order to fulfill its appointments to the GNSO Council. You can find the position description for the 2020 cycle here: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/nomcom2020-positions-2020-01-13-en#gnso. The position description is of course an important piece of guidance for the NomCom, to ensure that it appoints GNSO Councilors that will succeed in their role.

Staff, in coordination with Council leadership, has taken that existing description and dropped it into a Google document, where it has undergone some preliminary redlines. A fair amount of those edits are mostly structural, to have the position description look more like a job description (e.g., separating out criteria and skillset and also separating out job responsibilities and time commitment). You can find that redline here, where you are invited to add in your own suggested edits: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WzjvntnliTSZ43b0hJkhh_Hb2onzxXufmTnZJCEyGjU/edit?usp=sharing.

The target date to receive and integrate feedback as appropriate is early January.

Finally and most importantly, happy holidays to you all!


Steven Chan

Senior Director, GNSO Support

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536

Email: steve.chan at icann.org<mailto:steve.chan at icann.org>
Skype: steve.chan55
Mobile: +1.310.339.4410

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