[council] GNSO Council meeting - AOB item 7.2 Criteria for evaluating candidates for the SubPro ODP role

philippe.fouquart at orange.com philippe.fouquart at orange.com
Thu Sep 23 08:49:09 UTC 2021

Dear Councilors,

We have received a few questions about AOB item 7.2 on today's Council agenda, Criteria for evaluating candidates for the SubPro ODP role, and want to provide some additional context for this item.

This EOI process has now closed, and the SSC will soon begin its selection process. The EOI lists the desired skills and experience and asks candidates to describe their own qualifications with respect to each.

The SSC is expected to evaluate the candidates according to the criteria in the EOI and may also take into account other relevant information available about the candidates in making its decision.

There is a high-qualified field of candidates for this role (see EOIs here<https://community.icann.org/display/GSSC/GNSO+Council+Liaison+to+SubPro+ODP+-+2021>). Council leadership wants to confirm whether there is any additional guidance that Council wants to provide to the SSC in making its recommendation, in particular:

  *   The EOI form includes a question about whether candidates have any type of material interest in the New gTLD Program and/or the outcomes of the SubPro ODP. Typically, within the GNSO community members are expected to disclose interests as a transparency measure (in particular, through the SOI), but disclosed interests do not disqualify individuals from serving in community volunteer roles. Extending this principle to the current process, the SSC would not consider any interests that candidates may have declared as a disqualifying or a negative factor in making their recommendation. Council leadership would like to confirm that this is also the understanding of the Council.
  *   All of the candidates for this EOI have other volunteer commitments/roles within the ICANN community. Are there any specific commitments/volunteer roles that the Council considers incompatible with serving in the ODP liaison role or problematic to the extent that it needs to be taken into account by the SSC in the selection process? If so, what guidance needs to be provided to the SSC?

I look forward to discussing further.

Kind regards,


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