[council] SubPro IRT Liaisons

DiBiase, Gregory dibiase at amazon.com
Tue Jun 6 15:29:38 UTC 2023

Dear Councilors,

>From our May meeting, we captured an action item to seek non-objection on the email list to have both Anne Aikman-Scalese and Susan Payne serve as joint liaisons to the New Round Policy Implementation (also known as the SubPro IRT). Please comment no later than 9 June if you object.

As the concept of two liaisons to an IRT is a bit of a novel approach, the Council leadership team would like to introduce a couple of other considerations. Having two liaisons may introduce complexities and delays, especially if the two liaisons are intending to perform the role in the same manner. For instance, determining what information needs to be conveyed between the IRT and Council, or assessing consensus to raise an issue to Council, all becomes more challenging with two decision makers (who besides having to coordinate their actions, may also disagree with each other). Therefore, if there is an opportunity, the liaisons should seek ways to divide their work and gain efficiencies if possible and not simply have two individuals carrying out the same role. We recognize that the IRT is very much in its early stages, but we will welcome an update from the two liaisons in due time, assuming no objections to them being seated as co-liaisons, on how they might try and optimize the situation.

Again, because this is a novel approach for the Council liaison to an IRT, leadership would also recommend assessing in six months whether co-liaisons are helpful, benign, or disadvantageous. Leadership of course welcomes input on these additional considerations.


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