[council] [Ext] Re: Draft minutes of the GNSO Council meeting 20 April 2023

Justine Chew justine.chew.icann at gmail.com
Wed May 3 15:36:57 UTC 2023

Hi Devan,

Thanks. I just noticed a formatting error on my part with the following. So
as to avoid confusion, here is the corrected feedback.:

2. Item 4, on page 3 -

   - To amend the relevant intervention to "Justine Chew, ALAC Liaison to
   the At Large Advisory Committee, asked how might self-assessment survey
   results will be assessed and incorporated into Council's processes, if
   at all.

Kind regards,

On Wed, 3 May 2023 at 22:18, Devan Reed <devan.reed at icann.org> wrote:

> Hi Justine,
> Confirming receipt. Thank you so much for reviewing the minutes and
> providing the input below.
> Kind regards,
> Devan
> *From: *Justine Chew <justine.chew.icann at gmail.com>
> *Date: *Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 3:49 AM
> *To: *Devan Reed <devan.reed at icann.org>
> *Cc: *"council at gnso.icann.org" <council at gnso.icann.org>, "
> gnso-secs at icann.org" <gnso-secs at icann.org>
> *Subject: *[Ext] Re: [council] Draft minutes of the GNSO Council meeting
> 20 April 2023
> Hi Devan,
> A few comments for consideration.
> 1. Item 3, near to bottom half of page 2 - to insert "GNSO Review of GAC
> Communique" sub-header immediately after "Vote results". Since
> sub-headers appear for the other 3 consent agenda items.
> 2. Item 4, on page 3 -
>    - To amend the the relevant intervention to "Justine Chew, ALAC
>    Liaison to the At Large Advisory Committee, asked how might
>    self-assessment survey results *will be assessed and* incorporated
>    into Council's processes, if at all.
>    - In Marika's reply immediately after, "received" is misspelt.
>    - Also, I believe it is useful to note Sebastien's input after
>    Marika's reply, so I propose this, "Sebastien Ducos, GNSO Chair, noted
>    that while the surveys themselves point to a process, it is also Council's
>    responsibility to read the survey results and to suggest improvements,
>    whether it be in the process itself or in the particular charter of a
>    working group."
> 3. Item 5, on page 4 - I suspect that the 2nd AI is either premature or
> too prescriptive. From the transcript, both Paul and Jeff appear to suggest
> that more guidance on  addressing the GAC's 23 Mar letter may result from
> the 4 May Council Extraordinary Meeting.
> 4. Item 6, AI on page 5 - it would be useful to add "... on the Registration
> Data Request System (RDRS) (formerly the Whois Disclosure System*)*
> implementation ...... the WDS RDRS."
> 5. Item 9.3, near the bottom of page 8 - Jeff's intervention to refine,
> "....raised that GNSO Council has already approved recommendations to have
> separate two implementation review teams*,* one being the separate
> Applicant Support IRT."
> Thanks,
> Justine
> On Fri, 28 Apr 2023 at 00:45, Devan Reed via council <
> council at gnso.icann.org> wrote:
> Dear Councilors,
> Attached, please find the draft minutes of the GNSO Council meeting held on
>  Thursday, 20 April 2023.
> If there are no comments, these minutes will be published on the website
> as approved, according to the GNSO Rules of Procedure
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__gnso.icann.org_en_council_op-2Dprocedures-2D30jan18-2Den.pdf&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=PDd_FX3f4MVgkEIi9GHvVoUhbecsvLhgsyXrxgtbL10DTBs0i1jYiBM_uTSDzgqG&m=VJZ4HFSDAqi8xbWCH1QdnlYHCscwUVxIRs2sVJWonVI&s=LtHAxrGECvjzBZS-IMiftG_6sd2rnsdL4iqkUOHsJvI&e=> section  3.5
> "If no objections are received within 10 days, the minutes will be
> deemed to have been approved for posting" on *07 May 2023*
> Thank you.
> Kind Regards,
> Devan
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