[council] For your review - updated PDP Templates to facilitate consideration of impact on HR

Marika Konings marika.konings at icann.org
Mon May 15 16:17:06 UTC 2023

Dear All,

Following the Council’s adoption of the CCOICI’s WS2 Recommendations Report, the staff support team has worked on:

“In relation to 3 (Framework of Interpretation for Human Rights), the GNSO Council directs GNSO Staff Support to work on a proposed implementation of the recommendations, consulting relevant community experts as needed. This proposed implementation is to be reviewed and approved by the GNSO Council before implementation”;

As a result, you will find attached updated versions of:

  *   The request for an Issue Report template;
  *   The Preliminary Issue Report template (proposed updates on page 6-7);
  *   The PDP WG Charter Template (proposed updates on page 2-3), and;
  *   The PDP WG Initial Report template (proposed updates on page 7).

Each of these documents have been updated with a set of check-list questions that, as recommended by the CCOIC would provide a lightweight mechanism to assess whether an impact to human rights is likely or expected as a result of the consideration of a specific topic and/or the related recommendations. Flagging potential impact on human rights at an early stage in the process will assist in focusing attention on this topic throughout the deliberations as well as allowing for a more detailed human rights impact assessment, if an impact is expected or established.

As you may note, a link is provided to a resource page that is managed by ICANN org where additional materials are available that may aid both staff as well as community in its consideration of the potential impact on human rights (see https://community.icann.org/x/RAPCCw). As further materials are developed, for example, work is underway on an ICANN Learn training on inclusion which is expected to present examples of protected groups, these will get added.

It is also important to keep in mind that these documents are templates – it does not prevent further elaboration and/or guidance if deemed necessary either by Council or community working groups.

A special thanks to Ephraim Percy Kenyanito for the original input he provided to the CCOICI as well as his review of and feedback on these templates.

Please provide any comments or suggestions you may have by 7 June at the latest. If additional time is needed, please do not hesitate to let us know as well.

Best regards,

Ariel, Julie and Marika
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Desc: Initial Working Group Report Template - updated 25 April 2023.docx
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Name: Preliminary Issue Report Template - updated 25 April 2023.docx
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Desc: Preliminary Issue Report Template - updated 25 April 2023.docx
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Name: [Final] Revised GNSO Charter Template - HR Impact - updated 25 April 2023.docx
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Desc: [Final] Revised GNSO Charter Template - HR Impact - updated 25 April 2023.docx
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