[CPWG] URGENT - WT5 proposal for 3-letter country codes

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond ocl at gih.com
Sun Aug 12 16:59:50 UTC 2018

Dear Marita,

On 12/08/2018 11:16, Marita Moll wrote:
> Hello Olivier. There are those who want the 3 letter TLDs to be
> completely unreserved. I think this is a middle group, but many won't
> see it that way.

Exactly. Which is why the Guttierez proposal might show that there is no
consensus on reserving the 3 letter TLDs, thus keeping them completely
unreserved, as they have been so far. Many people will cite RFC1591 (
https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1591.txt ) - which in my view is
obsolete - , to say that country code top level domains are defined as
2-letter codes only ad should remain like that forever.

Now imagine, this was written by Jon Postel in March 1994. Ever since
that time there's been a discussion on whether a ccTLD could use a 3
letter country code. You can understand my boredom at participating in
such stalemate (nobody wants to move from their position) discussions
for 20 years. ;-)

Kindest regards,


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