[CPWG] [GTLD-WG] [registration-issues-wg] Verisign DissingDomainers?

Kan Kaili kankaili at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 07:55:32 UTC 2018

Hi, Evan,

Thank you for replying again.  I agree with you not to make judgements about the "Wild West", and also agree with you that ICANN's role depends on the consensus of governments.  However, I must say that the land analogy is exactly the point for ICANN and the DNS industry.

For years, we have been discussing issues "within the box".  That is, we have been trying to find solutions within the current structure and its concepts of domain name ownership, etc.

However, just like so many cases in the world history, there are often no solutions "within the box".  Only by finding the fundamental defects of it, solutions would be so easy and apparent.

In this sense, my land analogy tells exactly what is wrong with the current ICANN structure and its concepts.  If we cannot find any solution within it, why don't we look outside?

To say the least, although ICANN claims that it, together with registries, "owns" domain names, is that recognized by any governments or guaranteed by any international treaties?  I guess not.  :)

Thank you again, and looking forward to further discussions.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Evan Leibovitch 
  To: Kan Kaili 
  Cc: CPWG ; Alan Greenberg 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2018 12:55 PM
  Subject: Re: [GTLD-WG] [CPWG] [registration-issues-wg] Verisign DissingDomainers?

  Hi Kan, 

  I still don't fully agree with your land analogy, but I don't want to dwell on it because it's not really the point. 

  Closer to the issue at hand is this:

    New TLDs are exactly as the wild west, whoever takes it owns it.

  True, but this is not a point of admiration.  "The wild west" is at best a point of nostalgia and at worst a point of embarrassment. There is a valid reason that most of the most prosperous countries have regulations in place that smooth the rough edges of completely free enterprise. 

  I also remind that there is no international treaty mandating that countries honor the actions and decisions of ICANN, it is only through goodwill and trust that its policies are followed by the states of the world. 

  Evan Leibovitch, Toronto
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