[CPWG] Some relevant stats on .ORG

John McCormac jmcc at hosterstats.com
Thu Dec 5 18:11:29 UTC 2019

Just to put the usage of .ORG in some kind of perspective, these are the 
October 2019 web usage survey results for COM/NET/ORG/BIZ/INFO and the 
.ORG by country of registrar percentages. The web usage surveys where 
statistical surveys for the Domnomics book. The .COM survey was on 
1,500,000 domain names and the others were on 150,000 each.

gtld - Content - Templated Content - Redirects - No Content
com: 14.82% - 27.62% - 27.20%  - 30.37%
net: 14.29% - 23.22% - 25.30% - 37.30%
org: 14.58% - 24.50% - 30.51% - 30.41%
biz: 11.63% - 21.18% - 24.24% - 42.95%
info: 9.53% - 29.31% - 26.21% - 34.96%

Templated content is PPC landers, for-sale pages and affiliate landers.
No Content is holding pages, forbidden/not found pages, unavailable 
pages, no response websites and domain names without websites. They are 
simplified categories from the 28 that are used in the surveys.

The HTTPS redirects and Internal Redirects (included in the redirects 
category above) were:
gTLD - HTTPS - Internal
com: 10.06% - 5.29%
net: 6.67% - 4.20%
org: 8.89% - 5.54%
biz: 4.69% - 3.40%
info: 4.84% - 4.39%

In terms of HTTPS redirects, the .ORG is closest to .COM. HTTPS is a 
good indicator of how a gTLD is developing. There has been a shift to 
HTTPS over the last five years.

The top three countries in .ORG by country of registrar are:
USA 66.25% - Germany 8.42% - Canada 6.29%

China is the #2 country in .COM and .NET. The Chinese market has been 
targeted by registries that wish the grow their zone files with 
discounting offers. This creates a boom and bust cycle in the 
discounting gTLD as many of these discounted registrations don't renew 
at full fee and are deleted.

Many of the .ORG registrants in developing markets outsource their 
registrations to countries with more mature Internet hosting. Registrars 
like Godaddy and Tucows have large numbers of hosters/resellers that use 
their services. This is also a factor in countries where the ccTLD is 
the dominant TLD. Most webhosting companies don't bother with becoming 
an ICANN accredited registrar as the costs and effort don't justify it. 
Instead, they become ccTLD registrars once their number of hosted domain 
names justifies it. The gTLDs are actually either plateaued or in 
decline in some country level markets as the new registrations momentum 
is in the ccTLDs rather than the gTLDs.

John McCormac  *  e-mail: jmcc at hosterstats.com
MC2            *  web: http://www.hosterstats.com/
22 Viewmount   *  Domain Registrations Statistics
Waterford      *  Domnomics - the business of domain names
Ireland        *  https://amzn.to/2OPtEIO
IE             *  Skype: hosterstats.com

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