[CPWG] [registration-issues-wg] One additional EPDP issue

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Thu Feb 14 05:47:05 UTC 2019

A bit late to integrate that and it is really an implementation, but will certainly use it as an example of something that could help ameliorate the issue.

Then it becomes just a grey hole?


At 13/02/2019 08:01 PM, Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond wrote:

Dear Alan,

this is like lobbing correspondence over a wall... something which some of us are accustomed to. :-)
More seriously though, would it be possible to require that any such correspondence using an online form needs to email a copy of the form to the enquirer's email address as well as the registrant and provide both with a unique case ID? In effect, it's a CRM system. Online businesses use that all the time. I can live with a CRM system that tracks cases even without knowing who owns the domain name.
Kindest regards,


On 13/02/2019 21:42, Alan Greenberg wrote:

There was bound to be one issue that we forgot today.

This is the fact that all communications with a registrant or tech
contact will be via anonymized e-mail r a we form (which then is
e-mail sent by the registrar).

Both are what I refer to as "black hole" communications. You
tow the
message out and unless there is a reply, you never know if it was
really forwarded on your behalf, whether it was received. If it
bounced, the Registrar may know that it did, but the sender does not.

With a real address, you can at least use a number of tools to try to
determine if there is a path to the mail server or if the user
exists. Here there is nothing.


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