[CPWG] WT5 request for comments -- PR#11 - letters of support

Marita Moll mmoll at ca.inter.net
Fri Jan 18 22:29:49 UTC 2019

Colleagues, despite the great discussion we had on the cpwg call on 
Wednesday, we ran out of time and we need more input on the following 
issue in the sub.pro. WT5 request for comments on geo-names:

    */Preliminary Recommendation 11/*

*/Work Track 5 recommends continuing to consider the following category 
a geographic name requiring government support at the top level. 
Applications for these strings must be accompanied by documentation of 
support or non-objection from the relevant governments or public 
authorities if://**/*



/*An application for a city name, where the applicant declares that it 
intends to use the gTLD for purposes associated with the city name. An 
application for a city name will be subject to the geographic names 
requirements (i.e., will require documentation of support or 
non-objection from *//*relevant governments or public authorities) if: 
(a) It is clear from applicant statements within the application that 
the applicant will use the TLD *primarily *for purposes associated with 
the city name; and (b) The applied-for string is a city name as listed 
on official city documents*/


/**The suggestion is that we support PR #11– but because of uncertainty 
over “primarily” and enforcement of limitation (i.e. can be circumvented 
by not declaring intended use or declaring another intended use) 
requirement for support/non-objection letter should be the sole 
mechanism for city name applications**/



There was a deep split in the work track on this issue. One of our 
members is on record (see google doc) as opposing the suggestion that 
there be a requirement for a letter of support/non-objection in all 
cases. Please let us know where you stand. You can enter your comments 
directly into the google.doc or send them to the list and we will assemble.



Marita and Justine

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