[CPWG] Fw: Cooperation with the GAC

Yrjö Länsipuro yrjo_lansipuro at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 16 21:39:12 UTC 2019

Dear CPWG members,

Please indicate whether you would like to participate in an intersessional call with interested GAC members on policy cooperation (discussed on the CPWG call 28 August, see summary below) before ICABB66.



From: Yrjö Länsipuro <yrjo_lansipuro at hotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, September 6, 2019 4:57 PM
To: cpwg at icann.org <cpwg at icann.org>
Subject: Cooperation with the GAC

Dear all,

With my thanks to all who participated in the discussion on policy cooperation with the GAC at  the CPWG meeting  28 August, here’s my summary:

  *   Cooperation was seen as useful and expanding it into policy areas worth exploring, looking for issues where we agree and can find common interests.  “How and where can the interests of the end users benefit from this cooperation”  was suggested as a criterion to inform us about topics to embark on. Addressing issues where the opinions of  the two groups are already close  to each other is to be preferred.  Trying to convince each other on issues we disagree upon is not a good use of our time.

  *   The need to retain our identity and to avoid perceptions of our being “an arm” of another stakeholder group was stressed.  On the other hand, when our ideas with another group do align, we should not shy away from saying we agree with them.

  *   As to concrete issues for the policy dialogue with the GAC,  the ones that already have been subject to discussions at numerous joint ALAC-GAC meetings – EPDP and SubPro – were mentioned. As a third topic, survival of multistakeholderism in the ICANN context was suggested.

  *   On SubPro,  a couple of paths for dialogue came up:

     *   GeoNames where (in spite of the lack of consensus both inside At-Large and the GAC), it might be worth exploring the extent to the overlap , the subset of issues that both might agree upon.   In this connection, the default role of the 2012 AGB was mentioned, whether going back to it on many issues would be preferable compared to alternatives that have been proposed.

     *    Global public interests and safeguards (highly regulated sectors, verified TLD’s, registration restrictions, DNS abuse).   This topic would include whether SubPro PDP has properly addressed the CCT recommendations that need to be implemented before another new gTLD round.

  *   The need for “getting our own act together” was recognized on issues where there is no internal ALAC/At-Large consensus  at present.




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