[CPWG] Resending Transfer Complaint metrics

Steinar Grøtterød steinar at recito.no
Thu Apr 4 09:27:37 UTC 2024

Dear CPWG,

During the CPWG discussion on the Change of Registration data (CORD) on April 3, 2024, a question was asked in the chat about metrics connected to domain hijacking.

I have attached data given by ICANN Compliance for the periode Sep 2020-Oct 2023 that include unauthorised transfers. This metrics was given to the GNSP-TPR working group as information when the working group discussed the CORD policy.

I hope this metric is ansers some questions. My understanding is that “domain hijacking” is not necessary tracked by ICANN Compliance. Registrars also reports a low number of unauthorised transfers.


Steinar Grøtterød

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