[CWG-Stewardship] Principles

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Tue Dec 9 19:39:24 UTC 2014

The last version of the Principles that I can find, under Separability, says:

>h. Separability:  any proposal must ensure the ability:
>    i. To separate the IANA Functions from the current operator if 
> warranted and in line with agreed processes; and
>    ii. To convene a process for selecting a new Operator.
>Separability should persist through any future transfer of the IANA 
>Functions. (Note the current NTIA contract requires such separation).

To the best of my knowledge, the current contract makes reference to 
the execution of the IANA function being separate from ICANN Policy 
development. There is no reference to separability as defined in h.i.


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