[CWG-Stewardship] Fwd: Stress Tests for IANA transition proposals

Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond ocl at gih.com
Fri Nov 28 15:35:48 UTC 2014

On 28/11/2014 08:38, Sivasubramanian M wrote:
> One problem with this approach is that some of such imaginary extreme
> scenarios vividly outline ways by which IANA can be harmed, and might
> give ideas that might actually lead to such scenarios. Certain degree
> of caution is required in outlining some scenarios that point to ways
> of doing harm. I could already see one or two examples that could make
> someone consider it to be interesting ways of causing trouble.

What you are describing, Siva, is a classic case of Security through
obscurity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_through_obscurity
It doesn't work.

If there are flaws, we need to identify them and mitigate them.
Kind regards,


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