[CWG-Stewardship] Notes, Recordings, Transcript DT-O Meeting on 13 April 2016

Brenda Brewer brenda.brewer at icann.org
Wed Apr 13 22:18:55 UTC 2016

Dear all,

The notes, recordings and transcripts for the DT-O Meeting on 13 April 2016 will be available here:  https://community.icann.org/x/YTqAAw
A copy of the notes and action item may be found below.

Kind regards,

Action Items

*        Action (all): Group to review notes and Xavier's proposed language for submission to the Bylaws Coordination Group by 23:59 UTC today.

*        Action (Xavier): Xavier will send a redrafted version to the mailing list.

*        Action (all): respond to doodle poll with availability for next meeting(s).


1. Roll Call

All in Adobe Connect room.

2.  Confirm agenda

Items #3 and #4 are important and need to be closed today. Xavier will join 30 min into the call.

3.  Discuss Section 22.4 (b) - (g) in the proposed revised Bylaws
*        Refer to email message sent by Chuck on Monday, 11 April
*        Note that we need to provide feedback on this section to the full CWG today.
*        There will be separate budgets for ICANN and for IANA.
*        Suggestion to fix the term "ICANN's IANA department" to confirm the intention that the ICANN and IANA budgets will separate. The term was inserted
into the CWG-Stewardship proposal to ensure coverage across the board (without full information about how
the budgeting processes would work), but the implementation planning has now clarified how the budgeting process will evolve.
*        DT-O agrees that IANA needs to have finished its budget planning in advance of the ICANN budget comment period. The "9 months" terminology
is in the CWG proposal, but DT-O agrees that 9 months is too much. To modify the Bylaw text, the intention is that the
IANA budget would be submitted for PTI Board approval prior to the submission of the ICANN Budget for ICANN Board approval but no later
than [75 days (time is not fixed, it just need to be more than 45 days)] prior to the commencement of each fiscal year.
*        Xavier has some language for a re-written Bylaw that he will send to the group. DT-O is satisfied with Xavier's text and would prefer to use that text for the Bylaws.
*        Flag for the Bylaws Drafting team: the use of the term "PTI" may change in future, so this needs to be considered for the drafting ofthe Bylaws.
*        Proposed text from Xavier (Elise is ok with the text as well): Separately and addition to the general ICANN planning process, PTI shall prepare
and submit to the PTI Board a proposed operating plan and budget for the IANA functions for the upcoming planning cycle. Such proposed
operating plan and budget shall provide appropriate information to enable a consultation process allowing for broad community engagement and
input, including appropriate steps for addressing such community input. The proposed operating plan and budget for the IANA functions, resulting
from such process, shall be submitted to ICANN as input prior to and for the purpose of being included in the proposed ICANN operating plan and
budget, itself then subject to a broad consultation process, including appropriate steps for addressing community input.

Action (all): Group to review notes and Xavier's proposed language for submission to the Bylaws Coordination Group by 23:59 UTC today.

4.  Discuss Annex F, IANA Caretaker Budget Principles, on pages 211-213 (overall pages 214-217) of the redline version of the Bylaws
*        Refer to email message sent by Chuck on Tuesday, 12 April
*        Note Chuck's personal comments sent to the full CWG regarding paragraph 1.f of Annex F.
*        We are trying to prevent ICANN from implementating actions that are controversial.

Action (Xavier): Xavier will send a redrafted version to the mailing list.

5.  Discuss PTI Budget Dependencies -Draft ICANN Bylaws
*        See message forwarded by Chuck from Sharon Flanagan on 12 April.
*        We need to provide feedback on this to the full CWG today.
*        #6 and #7 are resolved by agenda items #3 and #4 for DT-O call and Xavier's language.
*        For item #3: this requirement for the level of detail is a carry-over from prior work on the ICANN budget. This does not need to be specified in the Bylaws. See Xavier's proposed language.
*        Item #4 is also covered by the text in Xavier's language.

6. Possible DT-O or CWG comments on the Draft FY17 ICANN Operating Plan & Budget
*        Discuss the response from Xavier regarding clarification comments in the draft sent by Chuck (sent by Xavier on 12 April)
*        Next steps

7.  AOB

8.  Next meeting(s)

Action (all): respond to doodle poll with availability for next meeting(s).

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