[CWG-Stewardship] Agenda for CWG meeting #87 - 11 August @ 14:00 UTC

Yuko Green yuko.green at icann.org
Tue Aug 9 20:26:47 UTC 2016

Dear all,

Below, please find the agenda for this week's CWG meeting #87 (11 August @ 14:00 UTC).

1.       Status Update (Chairs)

2.       Implementation Update

*         Staff update

*         DT-A/ Names SLEs update (Paul Kane)

*         DT-O update on PTI budget  (Chuck Gomes or Xavier)

3.       Key Issues (with Sidley)

*         Naming Functions Agreement

*         PTI Bylaws

*         Services Agreement

*         IANA IPR

4.       Client Committee

5.       AOB

Here are the action items captured from last week's CWG meeting:

*         ACTION (Nathalie): schedule next DT-A call (COMPLETED)

*         ACTION (DT-O): provide suggested changes to Section 9.2 and 9.3 of the PTI bylaws (IN PROGRESS)

*         ACTION (CWG):  work on the ANNEX C - CWG proposal for adequate inclusion in the Naming function contract

*         ACTION (CWG): PTI Bylaws - 10 items to be reviewed by the group.

*         ACTION (CWG): IANA IPR agreements - CWG to identify the signing party representing CWG  as well as the representatives who will serve on the CCG.


Yuko Green
Strategic Programs Manager
Global Domains Division
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Direct Line:  +1 310 578 8693
Mobile: +1 310 745 1517
E-mail:  yuko.green at icann.org<mailto:yuko.green at icann.org>

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