[Gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl] Agenda for 11 April 2017 Privacy/Proxy IRT meeting, 1400 UTC

Amy Bivins amy.bivins at icann.org
Fri Apr 7 12:06:29 UTC 2017

Dear Colleagues,


At the next Privacy/Proxy Service Provider Accreditation IRT meeting,
scheduled for 11 April 2017, 1400 UTC, we will have a follow-up discussion
on two topics we have discussed previously: 


*         Whether registrars should authenticate accredited privacy/proxy
providers that are not affiliated with the registrar; and

*         Registration Data Directory Service (RDDS) labeling requirements.


Because we want to discuss these topics from a technical standpoint,
Francisco Arias, Sr. Director, GDD Technical Services, will be with us on
the call. Our goal is to ensure that our implementation with respect to
these topics is consistent with the intent of the Policy Recommendations and
technically sound.


We initially discussed the possibility of requiring registrars to
authenticate unaffiliated privacy/proxy providers during our face-to-face
meeting at ICANN58 as a way to implement the recommendation "Registrars are
not to knowingly accept registrations from privacy or proxy service
providers who are not accredited through the process developed by ICANN." A
summary of your input on this topic is attached. A requirement that a
registrar authenticate that an entity that presents itself as an accredited
provider is, in fact, an accredited provider, would provide certainty in the
overall marketplace. We would like to discuss our reasoning with you further
and solicit your feedback.


As you may recall, we first discussed RDDS labeling on our 14 February IRT
call. During that meeting we discussed an ICANN-organization proposal for
new RDDS fields for registrations involving privacy/proxy services. A
summary of your input on this topic is attached. We would like to discuss
potential technical reasons why at least one new field could be a more
viable alternative for RDDS users to using existing fields and possible
challenges to using existing fields.


We look forward to a robust discussion and hope you can participate. Our
goal is to reach agreement on these topics by the close of the call. If you
have questions or comments beforehand, please send them to the list.





Amy E. Bivins

Registrar Policy Services Manager

Registrar Services and Industry Relations

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Direct: +1 (202) 249-7551

Fax:  +1 (202) 789-0104

Email: amy.bivins at icann.org



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