[GNSO-Accuracy-ST] Purpose

Volker Greimann volker.greimann at centralnic.com
Fri Nov 5 09:36:09 UTC 2021

Hi all,

during the last call, Steve asked about the purpose for the data, but I do
not think that defining should concern for even a second of our work as the
council was explicit in their instructions to that regard:
"In carrying out its work above, *the Scoping Team is expected to take into
account* the policy recommendations from the EPDP on gTLD Registration Data
(EPDP) Team that have been adopted by the GNSO Council and the ICANN Board,
including* the EPDP-identified purposes* and the related data processing
activities. However, the scoping team *is not tasked to review these
purposes or suggest changes*. If the scoping team finds that further review
of these purposes is necessary, especially in the context of implementation
and enforcement of existing requirements, it will identify this as an area
of further work in its recommendations. "

So let's just copy/paste the purposes as defined by the EPDP and be done
with it.

Volker A. Greimann
General Counsel and Policy Manager

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