[Gnso-epdp-team] Rafik as Vice-Chair

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Sat Aug 4 01:21:14 UTC 2018

I asked for time to consult with my colleagues and have done so.

We have no problem with Rafik being named Vice-Chair of the EPDP 
based on the following presumptions/conditions:

1. There is a direct conflict with Rafik acting as the first level 
handling of a complaint about a leadership decision (a Liaison 
responsibility) and serving in that leadership. If the GNSO Chair 
chooses to act in his place in that role (any complaint that stands 
would go to the Chair next in any case), or to appoint someone else 
who is will be closely following the proceedings (and agrees not to 
launch a compliant!), the conflict goes away.

2. Our assumption is that the role of Vice-Chair will be purely to on 
occasion act as the Chair of a meeting when Kurt is not available, or 
to handle other administrative tasks. In this case, we see no 
conflict. If, on the other hand, he and Kurt would take on the role 
that other Chairs/Co-Chairs/Vice-Chairs teams have and strategize on 
to how to overcome conflicts or impasses within the work team, then 
there is a direct conflict as it puts one of the EPDP constituent 
groups in a privileged position. Although Rafik is not one of the 
formal members of the NCSG contingent on the EPDP, as a possible 
incoming NCSG Chair and a key member of the NCSG Policy Committee, he 
cannot disassociate himself completely from being involved.


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