[gnso-gac-closed-generics] Closed Generics Updates - Preparation for 24 April Call

Melissa Peters Allgood melissa.allgood at icann.org
Fri Apr 21 20:01:04 UTC 2023

Hi all,

Thank you for your understanding of my need to leave our last call and for Emily’s willingness to step in. I appreciate it. Building on the work you accomplished on 19 April, I’d like to propose the following:

Approach to Synthesized Language
Staff shared updated language that attempts to synthesize your discussions of 19 April. This has been shared on the mailing list and has been dropped into comments in the Discussion Draft v2<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wtLVcyWhyrCaYl1iqlAncaIyrqpS--0aPCTjpwMue7I/edit> document. I ask you to review this language and ask any clarifying questions on the mailing list before our next call, Monday, 24 April at 12:30 UTC. At the top of this call, I will ask for the temperature of the room on the synthesized language. We will then move onto the modified approach to the Discussion Draft v2 document, discussed below.

Modified Approach to the Discussion Draft v2 Document
For the remaining issues and elements under discussion, It is clear that we need to move through the remaining sections of Discussion Draft v2<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wtLVcyWhyrCaYl1iqlAncaIyrqpS--0aPCTjpwMue7I/edit> in a focused manner.

The goal of our next call is to pinpoint where we have the strongest red lines. I anticipate that most, if not all, of this call will focus on working through the document to pinpoint these areas.

To do this, we will continue moving line by line through the document, but will modify the questions asked. Once we get through the entire document and the red lines have been clearly identified, we will return to those points for focused discussion and exchange.

When examining specific text, “red line” means the framework issue to which the text refers is of the utmost importance to you. This can mean the issue MUST be included in the framework, or that this issue MUST NOT be included in the framework. If you indicate a red line, you are communicating that this is a topic that will directly impact your ability to support the final framework.

For each point under discussion, I will ask the group the following questions in this order:

  1.  Is the text under discussion duplicative of previous areas of broad agreement?

  *   If yes, we will move onto the next item in Discussion Draft v2.
  *   If not, we will move onto question 2.
  *   Please note, most inquiries will not begin with this question. It will only be asked if the text has been flagged by staff as possibly duplicative.

  1.  Does the text under discussion encapsulate an issue that MUST be included in the framework in order for you to agree with the final framework product? All who agree with this statement will raise their hand.

  *   Raised hands will be captured by staff in a table document that will remain open for 48 hours for you to detail the specifics of your red line.
  *   We will not open the queue to discuss the specifics of your red line at this time.

  1.  Does the text under discussion encapsulate an issue that MUST NOT be included in the framework in order for you to agree with the final framework product? All who agree with this statement will raise their hand.

  *   Raised hands will be captured by staff in a table document that will remain open for 48 hours for you to detail the specifics of your red line.
  *   We will not open the queue to discuss the specifics of your red line at this time.

  1.  Does the text cause you concern about any of the following: implementability, the issue is covered by SubPro, the issue is in the wrong section of the framework, or specific concerns with the text (but not the issue itself). All who agree with this statement will raise their hand.

  *   Raised hands will be captured by staff in a table document that will remain open for 48 hours for you to detail the specifics of your concern.
  *   We will not open the queue to discuss the specifics of your concern at this time.

Under this approach, areas with broad silence indicate broad agreement.

We will continue, line by line, through the remaining portions of sections III, IV, V and definitions to gain greater clarity around where we need to focus call time versus those areas that may need language tweaks that can be handled asynchronously.

I will capture the questions detailed above in a separate document for those who’d like to see the questions as we go through each point. Again, I will also ask each question the same way, in the same order, for every section of text under discussion.

Big picture, my hope is that this shift in how we navigate Discussion Draft v2 meets our need to get through the whole document, while focusing our energy on red line issues, in a manner that allows your communities sufficient time to review any agreed framework.

Proposed Schedule and Next Steps
As of right now, we have two calls remaining before our 28 April goal date to share a framework (assuming one results). This is a significant lift. As such, I’d like to propose adding at least one additional call the first week of May, recognizing 1 May is a holiday for many of you.

24 April:  Move through the entire Discussion Document, identifying red lines and broad agreement, as detailed above.

26 April:  Red line discussions.

3 May:  Red line discussions continued (if necessary).

On or before 4 May:  Final agreed framework + any areas of divergence (to the extent they exist) found in Closed Generics Framework v3.<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u0Nb9_CJ-6R_ZF4bt9wbkzxLhMKu64aKY_vzS3QixgQ/edit> You will have a number of days for asynchronous reflection and review.

On or before 8 May:  Meet via zoom to take temperature of the group on the final framework document.

The high-level notes of your work in this group will be published in conjunction with your decision on a final framework. Your community groups can expect those by mid-May.

We will discuss other transparency issues in the coming days.

You have all worked every hard to find a path forward and we are in the final days. Thank you for your continued efforts!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,


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