[gnso-gac-closed-generics] Closed Generics Agenda for 9 January at 12:30 UTC

Melissa Peters Allgood melissa.allgood at icann.org
Thu Jan 5 20:29:43 UTC 2023

Hello all,

Happy 2023! I thought it timely to share the agenda for our next call, 9 January at 12:30 UTC.

I.                    Remaining Use Case Examples

     *   The goal is to complete the discussion of remaining examples and build understanding about which ones should be carried forward into future deliberations.

II.                  Framework Assumptions

     *   A review of your work thus far has indicated the group may have agreement on some broad assumptions. We will discuss these and how they may impact a framework.

III.                AOB

     *   Discusson about a Closed Generics document that has been shared with a community group.
     *   Questions about GPI Framework exercise.

I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

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