[GNSO-GGP-WG] Please read: ICANN Org ALL HANDS meeting February 6 - 9 2023

Julie Bisland julie.bisland at icann.org
Fri Jan 13 16:00:40 UTC 2023

Dear all,

As per the Board resolution<https://www.icann.org/en/board-activities-and-meetings/materials/approved-resolutions-special-meeting-of-the-icann-board-16-11-2022-en#section2.e> passed in November 2022, ICANN org plans to hold the first ICANN Org All-Hands meeting in Los Angeles, California, from 6 – 9 February 2023.

As such, call and email coverage during that week will be minimal, and responses may be delayed.

If you do already have calls scheduled that week, please confirm whether they will still need to go ahead so we can coordinate support accordingly.

Thank you for your understanding,

Kind regards,


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