[GNSO-GGP-WG] Actions & Notes | GGP WG-Applicant Support at ICANN77 on 13 June at 1530 EDT

Mike Silber silber.mike at gmail.com
Tue Jun 20 14:27:27 UTC 2023

Thank you for sharing Roz!

On Tue, 20 Jun 2023 at 16:07, Rosalind KennyBirch via GNSO-GGP-WG <
gnso-ggp-wg at icann.org> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I wanted to circulate GAC advice published on the applicant support
> programme - this was a key topic of discussion at ICANN77. Copied and
> pasted below (and linked here
> <https://gac.icann.org/contentMigrated/icann77-washington-d-c-communique>
> ).
> Kind regards,
> Roz
> *3. Applicant Support in New gTLD Applications*
> a. The GAC advises the Board:
> i. To specify ICANN’s plans related to steps to expand financial support
> and engage with actors in underrepresented or underserved regions by
> ICANN78 in order to inform GAC deliberations on these matters.
> ii. To take steps to substantially reduce or eliminate the application
> fees and ongoing ICANN registry fees to expand financial support for
> applicants from underrepresented or underserved regions.
> iii. To take timely steps to facilitate significant global diversification
> in the New gTLD program by ensuring increased engagement with a diverse
> array of people and organizations in underrepresented or underserved
> markets and regions, including by:
> ● Raising awareness of the Applicant Support Program;
> ● Providing training and assistance to potential applicants;
> ● Exploring the potential to support the provision of back-end services;
> and
> ● Providing adequate funding for the Applicant Support Program consistent
> with diversification targets.
> The GAC reaffirms the importance of increasing the number and geographical
> distribution of applications from underrepresented or underserved regions
> in future rounds of New gTLDs through the Applicant Support Program. The
> GAC reiterates its “support for proposals to substantially reduce or
> eliminate the application fees and ongoing ICANN registry fees to expand
> financial support” , in order to sufficiently cover all such applications.
> Without a substantial reduction in, or financial support for, the
> application and ongoing fees, many potential applicants in underrepresented
> or underserved regions would be unable to apply due to the status of their
> economies, where available capital for ICT/digital initiatives has been
> historically limited.
> The GAC highlights that non-financial support is also an important element
> of an applicant support programme, for example awareness raising, capacity
> development services and training. Assisting in the provision of back-end
> services may also be appropriate in some cases.
> On Sun, 18 Jun 2023 at 17:50, Maureen Hilyard <maureen.hilyard at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Julie
>> Thank you for these notes following up on the discussions from our last
>> meeting.
>> Are we going to be getting a copy of the clean version of this document
>> before it goes out for public comment? (so that we can prepare our
>> communities as to what it will look like.
>> How long will public comment take? and when will we be able to include
>> the suggestions that came from our communities to assist the IRT with
>> identifying measures for success which was the main focus of our first
>> discussions (well mine I guess, because I came onto the GGP late)..
>> The version of the document that was discussed at the DC meeting didn't
>> cover a lot of the discussion that took place at our meetings. I was just
>> wondering when that additional information was going to be added.
>> Maureen
>> On Sat, Jun 17, 2023 at 12:34 AM Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund at icann.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Working Group members,
>>> Please see below the action items and brief notes for the GGP WG meeting at
>>> ICANN77 on 13 June at 1530-1700 EDT (local time), 1930-2200 UTC.  These
>>> also are posted on the wiki at:
>>> https://community.icann.org/display/GGPGIRFAS/2023+Meetings.  Please
>>> note that these are not a substitute for the recordings also posted to the
>>> wiki.
>>> The next meeting will be in *two weeks* on * Monday, 03 July at 2000
>>> UTC*.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Steve and Julie
>>>    1. *Staff to insert the finalized text for Tasks 3-6 Recommendation
>>>    Guidance into the Report format for WG review.*
>>>    2. *WG members to provide comments on 1) any gaps in the rationale
>>>    or deliberations summaries for Tasks 3-6; 2) re: Task 3-5 Recommendations
>>>    Guidance 5 – whether “applications” should replace “applicants” in, “Of all
>>>    successfully delegated gTLD applicants [applications], the goal is that no
>>>    fewer than 10, or 0.5 percent (.005), of them were supported applicants
>>>    [applications]” and in the text that follows.  If so, please provide a
>>>    rationale for the change.*
>>> *Notes:*
>>> *Draft Agenda*
>>> *GGP WG-Applicant Support Working Session at ICANN77*
>>> *Tuesday, 13 June at 1530-1700 EDT (local time), 1930-2200 UTC*
>>> 1. Welcome
>>> 2. Overview of the GGP – see attached slides
>>> 3. Review of the Draft Recommendation Guidance: Tasks 3-5 Working
>>> Document – see:
>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LTHZpqnfyobWqwApefHRYOlOPxrDZ4HBJL8hAvDV5HY/edit?usp=sharing
>>> Overview:
>>>    - GGP Support Staff noted that the WG has agreed to the
>>>    Recommendations Guidance for Tasks 3-5 but has likely not had a chance to
>>>    review the new text on the methodology and the rationale and deliberations.
>>>    - The GGP Chair noted that because of travel and the timing of the
>>>    distribution of the working document the WG members would have additional
>>>    time to review the document.  Thus the WG’s next meeting would be postponed
>>>    for two weeks to Monday, 03 July.  During the intervening period WG members
>>>    could provide comments on gaps, if any, in the rationale and deliberations
>>>    for Tasks 3-6.
>>>    - GGP Support Staff read through the working document, beginning
>>>    with a summary of the methodology the WG followed in the development of the
>>>    final draft recommendations for Tasks 3-5.
>>>    - Next the staff read the text of each Recommendation Guidance,
>>>    while noting that the WG had previously discussed and agreed to the text as
>>>    reflected in the redlines and comments.
>>>    - In the interest of time staff did not read the text of the
>>>    rationale and deliberations but displayed them on screen to be read or via
>>>    the link to the document.
>>>    - The Chair noted that there would not be time to discuss the
>>>    revised text of Recommendation Guidance 3 & 4 of Task 6, but staff noted
>>>    that the WG had already had the opportunity to review the text and that it
>>>    was accepted with minor typographical (non-substantive) changes.
>>>    - Some WG members expressed concern that the Task 3-5 working
>>>    document contained redlines and comments when they thought that the text
>>>    was already finalized and ready to put out for public comment.
>>>    - Some WG members noted that there were issues the WG discussed or
>>>    should have discussed that were not covered in the rationale or
>>>    deliberations.
>>>    - Staff noted that the redlines and comments were included to
>>>    illustrate the development of the text as summarized in the rationale and
>>>    deliberations and because in previous iterations of the document WG had
>>>    expressed concerns when redlines and comments weren’t included because it
>>>    was then unclear how the text had been developed.
>>>    - Staff also noted that when the clean text is circulated in the
>>>    report format for the WG to review, members will have the opportunity to
>>>    note any gaps or raise issues that they think should have been discussed
>>>    with the appropriate rationale.
>>> Recommendation Guidance 1:
>>>    - Noting the discussion around “underserved” and that the deletion
>>>    of some text resulted in the deletion of the footnote with the definition,
>>>    which staff will reinsert.
>>>    - Re: Indicators of Success: The Chair noted new suggested text
>>>    (shown in brackets) to clarify.  No objections from WG members.
>>>       - *Indicators of Success:*
>>>       - *Quantitative*: Conversion rates proportionate with industry
>>>       standards for online campaigns and in-person events, [with specific metrics
>>>       to be determined] in consultation with ICANN org Communications and
>>>       applicable contractor(s).
>>>       - *Qualitative*: Survey results about quality and clarity of
>>>       information that are proportionate with industry standards, [with specific
>>>       metrics to be determined in consultation with ICANN org Communications and
>>>       applicable contractor(s).]
>>> Recommendation Guidance 5:
>>>    - Lawrence requested that the WG should discuss the use of
>>>    “applications” versus “applicants” in this recommendation (see in brackets
>>>    below).
>>>    - Staff noted that the WG had already discussed and agreed to
>>>    “applicants”, so this would be a new issue and as such it could be raised
>>>    in public comment.
>>>    - Lawrence emphasized that it was an important distinction to be
>>>    discussed and should not have to be raised in public comment.
>>>    - The Chair noted that the WG should consider the suggestion in the
>>>    final review of text and that it would be helpful if the suggestion could
>>>    be accompanied by rationale for the change.
>>>    - Staff noted that the action would be captured that WG members
>>>    could comment on the text noting any gaps both in the rationale and
>>>    deliberations as well as in issue that should have been discussed by the WG
>>>    but weren’t.
>>> Recommendation Guidance 5:  Of all successfully delegated gTLD
>>> applicants [applications], the goal is that no fewer than 10, or 0.5
>>> percent (.005), of them were supported applicants [applications]
>>> *Indicators of Success:*
>>> No fewer than 10, or 0.5 percent (.005), of all successfully delegated
>>> gTLD applicants [applications] were supported applicants [applications].
>>> *Data/Metrics to Measure Success: 0.*5 percent (.005) of successfully
>>> delegated gTLD applicants [applications] are supported applicants
>>> [applications].  Note that this percentage is not in relation to the number
>>> of strings applied for, or [rather] the number of applicants [applications].
>>> 4. AOB
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