[GNSO-GGP-WG] FOR REVIEW re: REC 5 | Action Items & Notes | GGP Applicant Support WG Meeting #23 on 6 Nov at 20:00 UTC

Satish Babu sbabu at ieee.org
Thu Nov 9 11:58:07 UTC 2023

Hi Roz

Thanks. We are fine with the tweak that you've suggested.

With kind regards


On Thu, Nov 9, 2023 at 5:23 PM Kennybirch, Rosalind (DSIT) <
rosalind.kennybirch at dsit.gov.uk> wrote:

> Thank you Satish for this positive suggestion,
> I would support this with a small tweak to be in line with the compromise
> language the group supported on Monday’s call:
>    - ICANN must ensure that, of all successfully delegated gTLD
>    applications, 10 or 0.5 percent (0.005), were from supported applicants.
>    This should be considered a floor, not a ceiling, and ICANN should strive
>    to exceed this minimum *by adopting a stretch target* in order to
>    achieve the aim of facilitating geographic diversification within the new
>    gTLD program.
> Best wishes,
> Roz
> *From: *GNSO-GGP-WG <gnso-ggp-wg-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Satish
> Babu via GNSO-GGP-WG <gnso-ggp-wg at icann.org>
> *Date: *Thursday, 9 November 2023 at 10:43
> *To: *gnso-ggp-wg at icann.org <gnso-ggp-wg at icann.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [GNSO-GGP-WG] FOR REVIEW re: REC 5 | Action Items & Notes
> | GGP Applicant Support WG Meeting #23 on 6 Nov at 20:00 UTC
> Dear all
> The ALAC team has the following observations on the Rec 5 wording.
> The original recommendation says "No fewer than...", which already
> indicates that it is a floor and not a ceiling. Therefore the new text
> sounds somewhat repetitive.
> We would like to propose the following alternative language the group's
> consideration:
> ICANN must ensure that, of all successfully delegated gTLD applications,
> 10 or 0.5 percent (0.005), were from supported applicants. This should be
> considered a floor, not a ceiling, and ICANN should strive to exceed this
> minimum in order to achieve the aim of facilitating geographic
> diversification within the new gTLD program.
> With kind regards
> satish
> On Wed, Nov 8, 2023 at 9:47 PM Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund at icann.org>
> wrote:
> Dear Working Group members,
> Further to the following action item, please review the compromise
> language suggested by Roz below, taking into consideration the discussion
> during yesterday’s meeting with respect to Guidance Recommendation 5:
> *Action Item 5:* For Recommendation 5, suggest new language that
> indicates the desire for a stretch goal without necessarily putting in a
> specific number.
> Suggested compromise language in brackets from Roz:
> *Recommendation 5: Indicators of Success: *No fewer than 10, or 0.5
> percent (.005), of all successfully delegated gTLD applications were from
> supported applicants. [*This should be a floor, not a ceiling, and as
> such ICANN should stretch beyond this minimum, to achieve the aim of
> facilitating geographic diversification within the new gTLD program.]*
> *Please indicate on the list in response to this message if you have any
> objections to the above language or any suggestions for an alternate
> approach.*
> Kind regards,
> Steve & Julie
> *From: *GNSO-GGP-WG <gnso-ggp-wg-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Steve
> Chan <steve.chan at icann.org>
> *Date: *Monday, November 6, 2023 at 7:56 PM
> *To: *"gnso-ggp-wg at icann.org" <gnso-ggp-wg at icann.org>
> *Subject: *[GNSO-GGP-WG] Action Items & Notes | GGP Applicant Support WG
> Meeting #23 on 6 Nov at 20:00 UTC
> Dear Working Group members,
> Please see below the action items and notes for the GGP WG Applicant
> Support meeting on Monday, 6 November at 20:00 UTC.
> Kind regards,
> Julie and Steve
> *Action Items:*
> *Action Item 1:* For Recommendation 6, capture nuance that countdown for
> 3 three years starts from delegation, which can be further refined during
> implementation.
> *Action Item 2:* For Recommendation 6, replace with “future” rounds or
> “subsequent procedures”
> *Action Item 3:* For Recommendation 6, add “periodic” and “comparative
> review” elements.
> *Action Item 4:* For Recommendation 7 rationale, note that the team has
> made a deliberate decision to not prioritize.
> *Action Item 5:* For Recommendation 5, suggest new language that
> indicates the desire for a stretch goal without necessarily putting in a
> specific number.
> *Notes:*
> *Welcome and SOIs *
>    - None
> *Public comment review for Guidance Recommendations 6-9*
> *Recommendation 6*
>    - All comments are grouped in the green section. 1-7 support as
>    written.
>    - NCSG comment seems to suggest parsing out the data, but this may be
>    covered in the implementation guidance.
>    - ICANN org suggests making the recommendation forward looking, so
>    using “next round” or “subsequent procedures”
>    - Suggestion that more specificity is needed to determine when the 3
>    year countdown begins. For .kids, the TLD was only just delegated. Registry
>    operator implies that the contract has been signed, so at a minimum, this
>    must be the case. There are requirements for timeline to delegate a gTLD.
>    - Suggestion that the nuance can be captured in the rationale.
> *Action Item:* For Recommendation 6, capture nuance that countdown for 3
> three years starts from delegation, which can be further refined during
> implementation.
> *Action Item:* For Recommendation 6, replace with “future” rounds or
> “subsequent procedures”
>    - Suggestion for minor textual changes per Maureen’s email.
>    - Suggestion that it might be helpful to look at the timeframe beyond
>    just 3 years. Perhaps helpful to add periodic checks thereafter. Can add
>    after three years “…and periodically thereafter.” It might also be helpful
>    to add in possibility to compare rates against non-supported applicants.
>    - IRT was looking at issues that blur policy versus implementation.
>    Therefore, the IRT might welcome additional guidance from the GGP.
>    - We are currently in the first pass of reviewing all recommendations,
>    which leaves the opportunity to revisit recommendations as needed.
> *Action Item:* For Recommendation 6, add “periodic” and “comparative
> review” elements.
> *Recommendation 7*
>    - Support from 7 respondents for recommendation as written
>    - ICANN org notes concerns inconsistencies between recommendations
>    7-9, unless considered to be interdependent. Also worried about potential
>    inconsistency with IDNs EPDP recommendation.
>    - NCSG wonders if prioritization is worthwhile, even if it is a
>    difficult task. Concerns that this prioritization might be out of scope.
>    - Prioritization has been discussed before, but to do so now will
>    challenge timelines. Agreement that prioritization in this context is not
>    warranted and it’s better to focus on ensuring additional funds are
>    available if this circumstance arises. In addition, the team has made a
>    deliberate decision to not prioritize.
> *Action Item:* For Recommendation 7 rationale, note that the team has
> made a deliberate decision to not prioritize.
>    - It may be helpful to note that recommendations 7, 8, and 9 should be
>    considered interdependent.
>    - Curiosity about who/what determines funding for ASP. The question is
>    out of scope for this group. There is a recommendation already adopted by
>    the Board that a funding plan must be developed during implementation.
>    - Reminder that recommendation 3 asks that adequate resources be
>    allocated to ensure the goals of the program are achieved.
> *Recommendation 5*
>    - It may sound like going from 1 to 10 ASP applicants is success, but
>    this does not seem like it goes far enough. There is a perception that the
>    GGP is validating that even only 10 successful applicants means the program
>    has succeeded.
>    - There were several successful applicants from the Global South who
>    ended up operating their gTLDs. Running a registry is running a business
>    and it needs registrants in order to be successful. It may also be helpful
>    to look at domains under management in ccTLDs where in some instances,
>    there are few DUMs.
>    - Applicants from the previous round may not have known they might
>    qualify for ASP. They would therefore be able to invest more in the
>    registry’s operations.
>    - The purpose of having a number and a percentage is to help account
>    for a very large number of applications.
>    - Potential pro bono service provider capacity can accommodate more
>    than the goal of this program.
>    - The GAC wants the program to be ambitious. Maybe helpful to identify
>    a stretch target which helps address the GAC’s concern without unduly
>    setting the program for success (e.g., receiving 19/20 successful
>    applications). Setting too ambitious of a goal can create an avenue for the
>    program to be attacked as a failure.
>    - Need to be careful to not make recommendations too prescriptive as
>    can be seen from the SubPro recommendations, the Board may push back
>    against something overly prescriptive.
>    - Suggested text from Roz: Indicators of Success: No fewer than 10, or
>    0.5 percent (.005), of all successfully delegated gTLD applications were
>    from supported applicants and a stretch target of 175-315 successfully
>    delegated gTLD applications, based on the target range identified in the
>    results of the Expression of Interest Survey - Applicant Support Pro Bono
>    Service Providers.
>    - Continued concern with the overly ambitious number of a number in
>    the range of 175+. Identify a stretch target as 50, and reference this as a
>    GAC a position. This is already 5 times the agreed upon target of the GGP.
>    Suggestion to include goals of the program (e.g., fostering diversity and
>    choice).
>    - The numbers in the survey are in relation to the number of providers
>    not applicants that have indicated their intention to apply.
> *Action Item:* For Recommendation 5, suggest new language that indicates
> the desire for a stretch goal without necessarily putting in a specific
> number.
>    - Another suggestion for text revision: Indicators of Success: No
>    fewer than 10, or 0.5 percent (.005), of all successfully delegated gTLD
>    applications were from supported applicants. This should not prevent a
>    stretch target, to achieve the aim of achieving greater global
>    diversification of the new gTLD application program.
> *Recommendation 8:*
>    - All respondents support the recommendation, with the NCSG and GAC
>    providing some input.
>    - ICANN org has some concerns about exceeding minimum level of
>    support. What to do in this scenario?
>    - It is important to ensure that successful applicants have a sense of
>    how much support they will receive. That is the goal, at least partially,
>    for recommendation 8.
>    - Will pick back up with this recommendation at the next meeting.
> *Recommendation 9:*
>    - N/A
> *AOB*
>    - N/A
> *Steven Chan*
> VP, Policy Development Support & GNSO Relations
> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
> 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300
> Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536
> Email: steve.chan at icann.org
> Skype: steve.chan55
> Mobile: +1.310.339.4410
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