[Gnso-igo-ingo] Definitive List and Variant Index

mail at berrycobb.com mail at berrycobb.com
Wed May 16 13:08:15 UTC 2018

Hi All,


Please find attached two documents as a result of last week's meeting.


The first is an updated spreadsheet that will eventually become the final
definitive list of identifiers to be reserved.  Here are the following
changes from the version Stephane sent on 30 April:

.         It now has a legend describing the tabs within the spreadsheet.
Items for further explanation can be added here as necessary.

.         I made copies of the 30 April list to create a 2nd version as to
maintain version control:

o   Tabs colored in black are prior versions, V1

o   V2 in the tab labels are the most recent

.         The spreadsheet now contains a change log to help understand
changes across the versions.


The second attachment is a word document that contains the next version of
the Variant Index.  This draft incorporates use of terms that were not
identified in prior versions and makes a use connection with that of
descriptive work, national society, and "Red Cross" or "Red Crescent".  The
document also contains concepts discussed from the last call for the WG to
consider such as error correction, additions, and deletions.  Lastly, it
also includes issues for the WG to decide in getting to the final definitive
list.  Most of this document will be imported into the WG's Final Report.


Mary and I are still working on the draft Initial Report and we hope to have
it out for your review in the next few days.  At this point the framework of
the proposed draft recommendations remain the same.  In the meantime, you
can reference the draft document I sent prior to our call last week to
understand the general path of the recommendations.  In short the
recommendations follow:

1.       Confirmation of the GNSO amendment to reserve the names and provide
an exception procedure (will also document the legal basis as to why).

2.       Recommends that future additions follow the Variant Index and
confirms the process how that is done via existing policy.


Lastly, it looks as though our meeting next week may change from our normal
day and time.  A time that fits all does not look possible.  Please be sure
to complete the doodle poll if you have not done so already
(https://doodle.com/poll/drb3m7y3na6uuva2 ).  You can expect to see an
invite out tomorrow and it will be for 90 minutes.  We'll have a lot to
cover in that time frame.  Therefore, we urge WG members to express their
views or suggest edits on the list as much as possible.


Thank you.




Berry A. Cobb


mail at berrycobb.com



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