[Gnso-igo-ingo] Reconvened WG - Next Meeting

mail at berrycobb.com mail at berrycobb.com
Mon May 21 19:16:32 UTC 2018

Hi All,


After further review with the Chair, we will not have quorum this week and
next to adequately cover the remaining items for the definitive list and the
draft Initial Report.  Therefore, our next meeting will occur on 7 June at
14 UTC.  It will be scheduled for two hours.  Please block your calendars
now, but you should see a calendar invite in the next day.


Per a prior email on a draft timeline, we have some slack to still make the
August GNSO Council Motions and Documents deadline.  But, this will mean
that we need to aggressively deliberate any remaining issues, ready the
Initial Report for consensus call, and conduct the public comment period
(launched just before ICANN62).


I'll send out an updated draft timeline shortly and some reminders to review
the variant index.


Thank you.




Berry A. Cobb


 <mailto:mail at berrycobb.com> mail at berrycobb.com



From: mail at berrycobb.com [mailto:mail at berrycobb.com] 
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 13:45
To: gnso-igo-ingo at icann.org
Subject: Reconvened WG - Next Meeting 
Importance: High


Hi Thomas and All,


We've encountered an issue in scheduling next week's call.  The Doodle poll,
only completed by eight, does not yield a time that can be accommodative to
all.  The two best times, are 19 UTC on the 23rd or 24th.  Both can be made
by our Chair, but exclude several of our more active participants.  Because
Stephane is currently on Mission, it is difficult to know if these two times
are acceptable and we likely will not know until Monday.


Given the GDPR activity and the GNSO Council meeting next week, it has made
our usually scheduled time of 14 UTC on Thursday impossible.  The WG could
consider postponing the call until the week of the 28th.  However, that is
complicated by Stephane not being available that week as well.  Thus, we
would not  be able to meet until the week of June 4th which will greatly
impact the draft timeline I sent earlier this week.




I will await to hear from Stephane on Monday to further advise the WG on
when we can meet.  In the meantime, can you tentatively block the 19UTC
times on your calendars.  I'll send notice to the list ASAP.


Also, I encourage members to review through variant index and the latest
version of the National Society identifiers proposed for reservation.
Please send any thoughts you have over the list.



Thank you.




Berry A. Cobb


mail at berrycobb.com



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