[gnso-irtpd] here's the little summary of that sequence of events i rattled off on the call just now -- registrant role in TDRP

Rob Golding rob.golding at astutium.com
Thu Dec 5 13:06:28 UTC 2013

> can you expand on why you prefer the idea that Compliance get's involved
> over making a determination?  

Depends on your definition of 'determination' - I more expect them to review
things and prompt the registrar(s) as necessary (subject to previous posts
about fees) if policy has not been followed.

Afterall isn't compliance role/remit to ensure that all registrars follow

If a registrant thinks that is not what has been done, they already have the
option(s) to talk to compliance (and we all know registrants regularly talk
to them about complete nonsense/trivia anyway) . 

> just looking for ideas on what the appropriate role would be for
> Compliance, not trying to mousetrap you.

The appropriate role would be for them to do their job, just their job and
only their job - and to apply/enforce those items of policy fairly and
consistently across all registrars...


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