[gnso-irtpd] here's the little summary of that sequence of events i rattled off on the call just now -- registrant role in TDRP

Holly Raiche h.raiche at internode.on.net
Thu Dec 5 21:24:13 UTC 2013

Thanks Rob and Mikey

the one piece of the puzzle Mikey added was to work through what documentation would be required for the registrant to establish improper transfer of the domain name.  One of the issues that has been raised is the possibility of a 'flood' of potentially vexatious complaints.  So we need to have a check list of some sort to say that, if you the registrant are going to compliance, they will ask the following.  Hopefully, it will both weed out potentially vexatious complaints and assist registrants with a genuine complaint in addressing their problem.


On 06/12/2013, at 12:06 AM, Rob Golding wrote:

>> can you expand on why you prefer the idea that Compliance get's involved
>> over making a determination?  
> Depends on your definition of 'determination' - I more expect them to review
> things and prompt the registrar(s) as necessary (subject to previous posts
> about fees) if policy has not been followed.
> Afterall isn't compliance role/remit to ensure that all registrars follow
> policy/process?
> If a registrant thinks that is not what has been done, they already have the
> option(s) to talk to compliance (and we all know registrants regularly talk
> to them about complete nonsense/trivia anyway) . 
>> just looking for ideas on what the appropriate role would be for
>> Compliance, not trying to mousetrap you.
> The appropriate role would be for them to do their job, just their job and
> only their job - and to apply/enforce those items of policy fairly and
> consistently across all registrars...
> Rob

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