[gnso-irtpd] For your review

Lars Hoffmann lars.hoffmann at icann.org
Sat Aug 23 10:47:45 UTC 2014

Dear all,

Please find below the proposed agenda for Monday¹s meeting. Please note that
I have not received any amendments since I sent out the latest draft version
last Wednesday.

IRTP Part D PDP Working Group Meeting - 25 August 2014 15.00 UTC

1. Roll Call/SOI Update
2. Review latest amendments.
3. Discuss consensus survey
4. Review next steps and confirming next meeting

Many thanks and have a good weekend!

PS: I have attached the latest draft of the Final Report ­ please note that
it is the same version that I sent on Wednesday.  - I copied and pasted my
annotations from my previous email below:

Please note that on p. 21 reflects what I captured from the
conversation. I think Barbara (was) volunteered to take another look at this

Other substantive changes:

P.17/18 ­ added Œdomain name under dispute¹ to Recommendation #1 (

P.18 ­ updated Œexpected impact¹ (

P. 21 ­ updated Œexcepted impact ( (see above)
P. 24/25 - re­ordered the recommendations (

P.25/26 ­ amended the Œexpected impact¹ (

P.27. - amended Recommendation #13 to include that the one-stop webpage on
transfer dispute options is accessible from the registrant rights and
responsibility page (

p.28 ­ amended the expected impact ( to include the change in
recommendation #13 (see above)

P.29 ­ amended the Recommendation #16 (

P.30 ­ amended expected impact to reflect changes in Recommendation #16

P.30-32 ­ proposed amendments by Arthur to the Observations (

P.33-34 ­ proposed amendements by Arthur to Recommendation #18 (

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