[gnso-irtpd] Attendance MP3 IRTP D meeting - Monday 22 September 2014

Nathalie Peregrine nathalie.peregrine at icann.org
Mon Sep 22 18:20:23 UTC 2014

Dear All,


 Please find the MP3 recording for the IRTP Part D Working Group call held on Monday 22 September 2014 at 15:00 UTC at:




On page: 

 <http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#sep> http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#sep



The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:

 <http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/> http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/




Barbara Knight – RySG

Graeme Bunton – RrSG

Arthur Zonnenberg – RrSG

James Bladel – RrSG

Angie Graves- BC

Bob Mountain - RrSG

Kristine Dorrain – National Arbitration Forum



Paul Diaz – RySG

Holly Raiche – ALAC

Alan Greenberg – ALAC

Avri Doria – NCSG


ICANN staff:

Amy Bivins

Marika Konings

Lars Hoffmann

Steve Chan

Berry Cobb

Nathalie Peregrine


** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **


Mailing list archives:

 <http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-irtpd/> http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-irtpd/


Wiki page:

 <https://community.icann.org/x/B4JwAg> https://community.icann.org/x/B4JwAg


Thank you.

Kind regards,




Adobe Connect chat transcript for Monday 22 September 2014:

  Lars Hoffmann:Welcome to the IRTP Part D Working Group Meeting - 22 September 2014

  Graeme Bunton:Aiiiieeeeeeee!

  Nathalie  Peregrine:And Marika Konings is also on the call

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Arthur Zonnenberg and Kristine Dorrain have also joined the call

  Kristine Dorrain-NAF:the acronymn for Dispute Resolution Provider would be DRP, not DPR.  :)

  Lars Hoffmann:how about: adding - "in line with the UDRP". (and strike the blue line)

  Berry Cobb:So, then in what context does ICANN Compliance ever monitor DRPs?  If none, then is this really going to be a "Consensus Policy"?

  Berry Cobb:I'm just looking at this from the angle of how this is implemented and monitored for compliance.

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Angie Graves is on the phone line

  Kristine Dorrain-NAF:I  like that because if the UDRP review changes the practice, then this will stay compliant

  Lars Hoffmann:how about this: Outcomes of all rulings by Dispute Resolution Providers (DRP)   should be published on Providers’ website, except in exceptional cases – in keeping with practices currently employed in the UDRP. 

  Kristine Dorrain-NAF:ICANN doesn't not monitor specific cases.  

  Berry Cobb:I'm not able to talk.  Sorry

  Berry Cobb:k, We can take this up in the IRT......

  Kristine Dorrain-NAF:Yes, there has been some call for more Provider oversight, and that's fine if there are systematic issues, but I don't think ICANN is planning to put itself into the role of case-by-case Appeal board.  I could be wrong, I suppose.  )

  Lars Hoffmann:just to clarify the language: 

  Lars Hoffmann:•            The number of incidents or communications related to changes of registrants being disputed

  Arthur Zonnenberg:that would be incomplete. 

  Lars Hoffmann:•            The number of incidents or communications related to disputes involving a change of registrant

  Lars Hoffmann:•            The number of incidents or communications related to complaints or disputes involving a change of registrant

  Arthur Zonnenberg:if that includes abandonement its ok

  Arthur Zonnenberg:ie the end user giving up because policy too complicated or changed their mind

  Berry Cobb:Consistent and immediate can be removed.

  Berry Cobb:Jsut the main concern here is that what happens if we DONT get this data?  There is nothing that forces CPs to provide it.

  Lars Hoffmann:To facilitate the gathering of relevant data, the Implementation Review Team should closely liaise with ICANN Staff to assure prompt access to necessary data.

  Arthur Zonnenberg:berry then we did our best to improve things. if stakeholders refuse they dont help the improving.

  Arthur Zonnenberg:we cant force them to

  Berry Cobb:And of course, Thank You James for the WG leadership!

  Barbara Knight:Thanks all.  It has been a pleasure working with you all.  Special shout out to James and the ICANN staff for the leadership and guidance.  

  Bob Mountain:Thanks James, to use a Bladelism great job "bringing this in for a landing"!

  Graeme Bunton:Thanks kindly James



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