[Gnso-ppsai-pdp-wg] Section III-C-(5)

Terri Stumme terri.stumme at legitscript.com
Tue Apr 14 15:34:00 UTC 2015

Perhaps I am over-simplifying, but since agreement has not been reached on
the current language, and III-C-(3) actually gives the provider quite a bit
of lee-way to decide against disclosure, I propose the following:

the Provider has found, specific information, facts and/or circumstances
that reveal the Requestor's trademark or copyright complaint is a
pretextual means of obtaining the Customer's contact details solely for the
purpose of contravening the Customer's personally identifiable information.

   1. *Personally identifiable information* (PII) is any data that could
   potentially *identify* a specific individual. Any *information* that can
   be used to distinguish one person from another and can be used for
   de-anonymizing anonymous data can be considered PII.

*Terri Stumme*
*Intellligence Analyst*
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