[Gnso-ppsai-pdp-wg] Updated WG recommendations (as numbered in Executive Summary of the Final Report)

Holly Raiche h.raiche at internode.on.net
Mon Dec 7 04:53:20 UTC 2015


A minor - but important - point.  In the specification that was passed by the Board with the amended RAA in 2013, in the specification, Clause 2.1, the wording is:

P/P Provider shall publish the terms and conditions of its service (including pricing),…..

However, in the summary that Mary has circulated (I haven’t had a chance to check the final report as well) under Mandatory Provisions to the included in the Provider Terms of Service, (Para 8)  it does NOT include the parenthetical phrase (including pricing)  

Theoretically, everyone should be complying with all of the specification now - including the pricing bit. So there should be no heartache in including the phrase "(including pricing)" both in the summary of the requirements - Para 8, and in the full report.

Again, apologies for the lateness, but I was just checking as to whether the requirements in the existing spec had been picked up by our document..



On 2 Dec 2015, at 10:56 am, Mary Wong <mary.wong at icann.org> wrote:

> <Revised Executive Summary - 1 Dec.docx>

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