[gnso-rds-pdp-wg] Updated:Attendance and MP3 RDS WG - Tuesday 26 January 2016 at 16:00UTC

Nathalie Peregrine nathalie.peregrine at icann.org
Tue Jan 26 21:26:59 UTC 2016

With correct  mailing list archives and wiki space.

Apologies for the confusion!

Kind regards


From: "owner-gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:owner-gnso-secs at icann.org>" <owner-gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:owner-gnso-secs at icann.org>> on behalf of Nathalie Peregrine <nathalie.peregrine at icann.org<mailto:nathalie.peregrine at icann.org>>
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at 9:24 PM
To: "gnso-rds-pdp-wg at icann.org<mailto:gnso-rds-pdp-wg at icann.org>" <gnso-rds-pdp-wg at icann.org<mailto:gnso-rds-pdp-wg at icann.org>>
Cc: "gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org>" <gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org>>
Subject: [gnso-secs] Attendance and MP3 RDS WG - Tuesday 26 January 2016 at 16:00UTC

Dear All,

Please find the attendance of the call attached to this email and the MP3 recording below for the Next-Gen RDS PDP Working group call held on Tuesday 26 January 2016 at 16:00 UTC at: <http://mailer.samanage.com/wf/click?upn=NrFWbrBstcrPWP369qgbqlXiSKeL20xnUXzI03ZqpsvgRhF8anYZT-2Fu85DJG3jGx00P4CqoBIzQFOAiWymiBBFNdFSwviqLH0FTp5kFH6A8-3D_QuA5zZR9ZZ7J1F2FeF-2FOsgm1hgIDcBrAX2P7Ezxmql7ckJc4ios1-2BxObAoz2rzLSI3c4QB1NGo7bw7XrBjpRCbz74w4vzk48UxZMFoBBQBQaQ0ePdiOjdJ30sQNHkokOf-2F2p-2FBvMgKvMhzp-2B4u8fP-2BRrSytHe2KCf2HpQmtSbpelNa3iorDsDwx7rbvtK19CxbnzsEqZKOW5Sd00RXWVtK-2FVKf0UsLDKgF9PLaG8mj10ABYsU6GBDNiCPZr6D7gt5Yeqdmz1d4F4oFBhmipgDWuWGnMMbLsh0jRzVw9Q8Jrkp9itwuhun7NSh751Rhg7zl0dZtIt-2FkyLFJ9OpPR8ZesCEKzxyVvGjPecrlMXVEA8ABwLxl9iRNu65Qyk7g6DsbaQ8-2BQRE9XwgtNAA53lCmCVPq1n-2FsEeEDFHpPeqaLnAaN8r8KpjkKG6VtEz5zgr51gtpfi-2FJykX8HHNVIOJSzqgkUqW3blNjAzqAGSKnORUDxNo8okYeizJgKONIlNSo3I7cLMX1jBI77kVBos6Rw-3D-3D> http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-nextgen-rds-26jan16-en.mp3<http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-nextgen-rds-26jan16-en.mp3  >  <http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-nextgen-rds-26jan16-en.mp3  >
On page:

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Mailing list archives:http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-rds-pdp-wg/

Wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/rjJ-Ag

Thank you.
Kind regards,

Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 26 January 2016

 Nathalie  Peregrine:Dear all, welcome to the GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group call on the 26 January 2016
  Jennifer Standiford:Bonjour Nat!
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Welcome Jen!
  Stephanie Perrin:Hi everybody!
  volker greimann:i will be in transit for the first hour of the call, but will try to follow the discussion
  Bram Fudzulani:Hello world!
  Iliya Bazlyankov:Hello everyone!
  Ayden Férdeline:Hello everyone
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Welcome all! If you do wish to speak during the call, please either dial into the audio bridge and give the operator th password RDS, OR click on the telephone icon at the top of the AC room to activate your AC mics. PLease remember to mute your phone and mics when not talking.
  Holly Raiche:Hello everyone
  Chris Pelling:afternoon all
  A Raheja:Hello Everyone
  Grace Mutung'u (Kenya):hi everyone!
  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:Hi and good day all
  Patrick Anglin:Morning/Afternoon All
  wendy seltzer:Wendy Seltzer here
  Maryan Rizinski:Hello everyone!
  Michael Haffely:hello
  Adrian Cheek:Good Afternoon here
  Chris Dillon:Hello everyone!
  Aarti Bhavana:Hi All!
  Sana Ali:Hello!
  Farell FOLLY:hello
  Nick Shorey - UK Gov:Hi everyone
  Krishna Kumar Rajamannar:Hi Everyone!
  Richard Padilla:Hello everyone
  Farell FOLLY:Apologigize, what is audio bridge ?
  Farell FOLLY:how does it work ?
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Farell, audio bridge means using your telephone to hear and speak on the conference call
  Farell FOLLY:ok.. copy that... using dial in !
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Thanks Farell!
  Greg Mounier:Hello everyone
  Marika Konings:Note, observers also do not have posting rights on the mailing list
  Michele Neylon:Observers observe - they can read and stuff - they can't do things ..
  Marika Konings:but as Susan noted, if you want to change your status, all it takes is to contact the GNSO Secretariat and inform them accordingly.
  Holly Lance:I am so sorry - how does this work?
  Marika Konings:All, in order to speak, you need to be on the audio bridge or connect your microphone via Adobe Connect (see the top phone icon)
  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ all, to speak please click on the telephone icon at the top of the AC tolbar, and follow instructions. When the telphone icon becmes a microphone, you have activated your AC mic
  Scott Hollenbeck:Im not muted...
  Sanjeev Gupta:You may also need to give Adobe Flash permission to access your mic and/or camera
  Zuan Zhang (Peter Green):Hi all
  Lori:Is the phone password RDS?
  Lori:I don't see it on my invite
  Marika Konings:@Lore -yes
  Marika Konings:Sorry, Lori
  Lori:no worries.  thanks.
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Please remember to LOWER your hands if you cannot speak
  Scott Hollenbeck:Im talking and not muted!
  Patrick Lenihan:Hi Natalie!  How do I mute my microphone?
  Nathalie  Peregrine:you have muted it!
  Chuck Gomes (RySG):Welcome Holly.
  Nathalie  Peregrine:if it has the red line through it, you are correctly muted
  Patrick Lenihan:I just figured it out...!  :-)
  Nathalie  Peregrine:well done :)
  Chuck Gomes (RySG):Welcome Stuart
  Grace Mutung'u (Kenya):Is there a way to test the mic without interrupting others?
  kannan.ganapathy:hi . nathalie .
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Welcome Kannan
  Sanjeev Gupta:Kannan, sorry, no
  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ Grace, no, but if you stay on at the end of the call, we can test it. Others are welcome to stay on too to test their AC microphones if desired
  Grace Mutung'u (Kenya):ok. thanks Nathalie!
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Pleasure!
  Lisa Phifer:when done introducing yourself, please lower your hand
  Michele Neylon:can't hear him
  Michele Neylon:volume way to low
  Amr Elsadr:Audio breaking up.
  Holly Raiche:Maybe tell him (and all) to look at the chat?
  Michele Neylon:Holy +1
  Michele Neylon:Holly even
  Michele Neylon:sorry
  Patrick Lenihan:Natalie, I am on my SOI page.  Where do I click to update it?
  Holly Raiche:@ Michele - the first version is rather nice
  Amr Elsadr:Wow..., 81 folks in the AC room. Who knew WHOIS was so popular?! :)
  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ Patrick, you can go here: https://community.icann.org/x/cYLg
  Nathalie  Peregrine:and choose to edit your OLD SOI
  Patrick Lenihan:Thanks!  :-)
  Liz Williams:no audio...
  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ Liz, there is AC audio on my side.
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Please dial into the audio bridge passcode RDS alternatively
  Farell FOLLY:shall we all introduce ourselves ?
  Lisa Phifer:member list https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=56986659
  Kathy Kleiman:LOL Michele
  Liz Williams:or any law enforcement organisations?
  Holly Raiche:@ Michel - GREAT question
  Stephanie Perrin:We are clearly spending too much time together Michele...
  Chuck Gomes (RySG):Good question Michele
  Michael Haffely:Definde "Data protection authority"
  Nick Shorey - UK Gov:Hi Michele - I am connected into the UK Gov Data Protection department
  Holly Raiche:Sorry - Michele
  Amr Elsadr:Thanks for that Michele (and Stephanie). :)
  Michele Neylon:TPD?
  Michele Neylon:Nick - good :)
  Luc Seufer:Tada Protection Dauthority
  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ all those with questions regarding the AC audio, please refer to the recording of the Communication Tools Classroom session held yesterday:https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p6u24vz3ot3/
  Liz Williams:Susan...I can't see law enforcement representatives?  Maybe someone knows that group?
  Jennifer Standiford:90 minutes if fine
  Sanjeev Gupta:No
  Donna Austin, Neustar:90 mintues sounds good.
  wseltzer:I will be unable to stay past 60
  Alex Deacon:90 min calls are fine...
  Tapani Tarvainen:90 min is ok
  Michael Haffely:seems reasonable
  Nick Shorey - UK Gov:@Susan - I also feed into UK gov depts responsible for Public Safety (including LEA)
  Ayden Férdeline:90 minutes is fine
  Holly Lance:Seems a bit long, but I guess if we need it!
  Krishna Kumar Rajamannar:90 works perfect
  Marc Anderson:Agreed, 60 minutes is not enough.  90 seems reasonable.
  Aarti Bhavana:Sounds good.
  Michele Neylon:weekly or every two weeks?
  Grace Mutung'u (Kenya):90 is okay
  Zuan Zhang (Peter Green):Agree 90 min
  Allison Nixon:i have a scheduling conflict and cannot stay past 60
  Alan Greenberg:90 fine. Better than 2 x 60 per week.
  Lisa Phifer:@Liz there is prepresntation from the GAC Public Safety Group but we can do more outreach there
  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:90 minutes to start with
  Greg Mounier:Hi Liz, I'm also from LE - Europol
  Ben Anderson:90 is fine
  Richard Padilla:90 mins will be fine
  Holly Raiche:Agree with Alan - better than 2 X 60 minutes
  Donna Austin, Neustar:Susan, on the timing of the calls, is there any possibility to rotate the calls or just stay with one weekly timeslot. I have a colleague from Australia on this call and it is 3am for him.
  Kal Feher:that graph appears to be a little old. please note that I'm UTC +10
  Jennifer Standiford:frequency - lets get started and if we dont need the full 90 minutes then that is fine.
  Kathy Kleiman:+1 Jennifer - I don't know why we need 90 minutes either
  Kal Feher:every second week
  Lori:I would prefer bi-weekly until after Marrakech
  Marika Konings:@Kahl - yes, please note that this graphic reflects the status of two days ago. We will update it following this meeting.
  Adrian Cheek:Bi weekly
  Michael Haffely:90 every week is a bit much
  Holly Raiche:Agree with Jennifer - some of us are around UTC + 11
  Iliya Bazlyankov:+1 Jennifer
  Sanjeev Gupta:First meeting after a week, after that every 2 weeks
  Liz Williams:The number of meetings depends on the work program.
  Ben Anderson:agree with Jennifwer
  Luc Seufer:every 2 weeks
  Aarti Bhavana:I agree. CCWG is having bi-weekly calls, so that's quite hectic. Like the idea of having a call every 2 weeks.
  Ayden Férdeline:that would be extremely useful, Alan
  Jennifer Standiford:I think the new people should read the background materials.
  Holly Lance:Love the tutorial idea!
  Grace Mutung'u (Kenya):thank you, I was about to ask for a background tutorial
  A Raheja:Every two weeks !
  Aarti Bhavana:+1 Alan
  Jennifer Standiford:i dont think it is the responsibility of the PDP WG
  Beth Allegretti:I like the idea of a tutorial and calls every other week to start.
  Nick Shorey - UK Gov:@Alan - some historical context may be beneficial to participants - though we should allow it to bind us to old ideas
  Jennifer Standiford:if majority agrees, then I would limit it to one session..
  Alan Greenberg:Michele, I am very sure I will say something in the near future that you can disagree with!
  Stephanie Perrin:There is an excellent issues document.
  Lori:Complex and contentious -- 2 of our favorite things
  Elaine Pruis - Donuts:+1 let's get everyone up to speed
  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:i suggest bi-weekly meetings and when activity builds  could call for an additional meeting  as issues demand
  Sana Ali: I do think there is a lot of good material to read out there, as has been linked in the emails. Just one 'tutorial' should be okay, but the best way to learn is to do it!
  Michael Haffely:"determining if and why a next-generation Registration Directory Service (RDS) is needed to replace WHOIS, and then..."
  Alan Greenberg:A bit of time spent now may save a LOT of time later.
  Liz Williams:I could volunteer to help with the introductory session...happy to buddy up with a new person to give information/background/
  Jennifer Standiford:fine
  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:pardon me not bi-weekly meetings now but forthnightly
  Lisa Phifer:All background materials are listed here
  Lisa Phifer:https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=56986688
  Kathy Kleiman::-) Chuck
  Lisa Phifer:The WHOIS RT report and other key inputs are here
  Lisa Phifer:https://community.icann.org/display/gTLDRDS/Additional+Key+Inputs
  Stephanie Perrin:It might also be useful to include my dissent to the EWG report.
  Lisa Phifer:@Steph it is
  Stephanie Perrin:Thanks Lisa!
  Alan Greenberg:We *could* spend six months, but I was suggesting 1 or 2 sessions...
  Lisa Phifer:For those interested in particular questions, there are also cross-references of inputs to each question here: https://community.icann.org/display/gTLDRDS/Questions
  Sana Ali:+1 on dissent, was a very concise and useful read
  Stephanie Perrin:An annotated bibibliography with links would be a wonderful tool
  Kathy Kleiman:Great - recommend Whois Review Team materials be part of the briefings to come
  Michael Haffely:The dissent is important to read.
  Holly Lance:Yes please! I am a big fan of the tutorial session idea. I have tried to read the documents but a lot of the materials are very dense.
  Kathy Kleiman:Is this the EWG Dissent we are referring to?
  Michele Neylon:sorry - can't make out what he's saying
  Michele Neylon:audio is very unclear
  Aarti Bhavana:Can't hear clearly, Kannan
  Lisa Phifer:All of the EWG member statements, including Stephanie's diseent, are linked to the above wiki pages - both the background materials page and per question pages
  Marika Konings:You are all invited to have a look at these pages and let us know if there is anything missing.
  Alan Greenberg:Given Donna and Holly's comments on time zones and Australia, it is interesting that Australia at UTC+11 is not even on the chart being displayed.
  Otieno Antony:Please type your comment here Kanna, audio not clear. thanks.
  kannan.ganapathy:we will discuss on weekly basis as well as  set up the team
  Michael Haffely:90 every week is a bit rough
  Alan Greenberg:Not compared to the 2 and 3 hour calls for other meetings.
  Kal Feher:rotating times would be useful
  Grace Mutung'u (Kenya):rotating time zones is a good idea
  Liz Williams:IT's Australia Day today!  You can't ignore the Australians!!
  Otieno Antony:Since we have critical issues at hand, I reckon 90 weekly is better. It spreads the risks and load.
  Shweta Kshirsagar:Could we have a schedule table indicating on which date and times in the month the calls will happen?
  Holly Raiche:I signed up a while ago - and have been Australia for more than a couple of days!
  Stuart Clark:Rotation has the possible downside of fragmenting discussion
  Stuart Clark:If people can't make all times
  Alan Greenberg:@Liz, actually, to reinforce time zone issues, Australia day is the 26th, which was YESTERDAY there.
  Kal Feher:many of us are on other WGs as well. once a week is a significant additional commitment
  Stephanie Perrin:David Cake has also signed up and is in Oz as well...
  Donna Austin, Neustar:Stuart: if you do not rotate in some manner you disenfranchise those that are always disadvantaged by the time.
  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:Rotating might work wel for a webniar, but for a WG OF THIS nature wont that impact negatively on continuity in discussions. How would voting be conducted?
  Michele Neylon:Lawrence - WGs don't vote
  Michele Neylon:unless we have to ..
  Michele Neylon:but it's not normal for a WG to vote
  Alan Greenberg:@Lawrence, rotating does not mean you skip meetings regularly. It just means the times change so not evey meeting is convenient or inconvenient.
  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:thanks for that clarification
  Stuart Clark:@Donna, I agree rotation is probably for the best, but just calling out a possible issue to consider
  Otieno Antony:We also have to be conscious with the time zone. I wasn't able to attend yesterday's call because the time zone set the time to past midnight.
  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:@Alan, thanks for the info
  Stephanie Perrin:Unfortunately, there will always be someone up after midnight.  Rotation is the only fair way to do this.
  Holly Raiche:@ Chuck - why is this restricted to GNSO?
  Lori:I strongly support rotation of times.
  Zuan Zhang (Peter Green):support rotation of time zones.
  Donna Austin, Neustar:@Susan K: do you maintain a role as Liaison for this WG to the GNSO Council?
  Michele Neylon:She is
  Alex Deacon:the co-chair structure of the PPSAI was very effective so I support Chuck's proposal.
  Norbert Komlan GLAKPE:I'm in support of the lesdership structer poposed by Chuck
  Kathy Kleiman:+1
  Alan Greenberg:But it IS exclusion of non-GNSO if it is accepted, and that was my point.
  kannan.ganapathy:make a standard time.
  Liz Williams:Perhaps the easiest way to make decisions about the Leadership Group is to seek volunteers for that group and then have that group come up with its working structure.
  kannan.ganapathy:i am against the rotaion time
  Nick Shorey - UK Gov:I like a small leadership group, but agree with Liz William's suggestion that an outside individual will also support balance and inclusivity
  Liz Williams:Thanks Nick...so if the group agrees then I suggest people send in their willingness to do the work for the group.  If there are too many people then we can just have a simple election.
  Otieno Antony:The WG Leadership structure should basically depend on the workload we expect to have. I think we should break down the expected workloads and structure the leadership based on that.
  Zuan Zhang (Peter Green):We can learn from the leadership structure of CCWG. There is no limitation to affiliation.
  Kal Feher:I think it might be useful for newer participants to understand what a leadership role entails. it is more administrative than outcome influencing
  Liz Williams:@ Donna -- great but just work it up to five so we can spread it across timezones and expertise.
  Holly Raiche:@ Donna +1
  kannan.ganapathy:@Donna, well said , accept the same
  Donna Austin, Neustar:@Chuck, I'm not sure this exercise lends itself to being one side or another, I think there are more sides to this challenge.
  Holly Raiche:@ Chuck - agree with your explanation - that goes beyond GNSO, but agree with the need for different viewpoints -AND background in this issue
  Donna Austin, Neustar:@chuck, but I do agree that there should be diversity in the Leadership Team.
  Alex Deacon:+1 agree with the need for diversity
  Ayden Férdeline:@Liz Can I just clarify something please? You would like the leadership team to be split across timezones? I support the concept of the team being comprised of those with differing expertise, but I don't see the timezone of these members as being overly relevant?
  Carlton Samuels:Howdy everybody.  My apologies for late join.
  Carlton Samuels:And it was a helluva time getting a response from the room too!
  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:+1 Ayden
  Liz Williams:@ Ayden ... not necessarily as I totally agree with Donna on qualifications and expertise.  I was just making the point that whoever does the job really needs to be able to devote enormous amounts of time and energy and support of ICANN staff.
  Holly Raiche:Hi Carlton
  Bram Fudzulani:+1 Ayden
  Carlton Samuels:Hiya Holly
  Richard Padilla:Hey Carlton  Richard here in UK how you doing we met at Marriot in August
  Liz Williams:lost audio Susan...could you repeat please?
  Zuan Zhang (Peter Green):How about a Chair with two co-Chairs, without limitation of affiliation?
  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ Liz, we can dial out to you, please provide your nr
  Carlton Samuels:Hiya Richard. Of course, my Trini colleague
  Lisa Phifer:@Liz, will do call for volunteers and decide in 2 weeks time (at weekly call in 2 weeks)
  Richard Padilla:Yup will be back home in March I signed up to make sure I can keep myself busy was a little suprised to be a member but looking forward to listening and watching the disscusion to come
  Carlton Samuels:Howdy Lisa P. Happy to see you supporting here
  Kathy Kleiman:+1 Chuck - and where they hail from in Community
  Lisa Phifer:@Carlton howdy
  Carlton Samuels:@Richard: Happy to see the Caribbean participation. We working towarsds critical mass
  Michele Neylon:I'm a dirty filthy European registrar - what more do I need to declare?
  Kathy Kleiman:@Michele, maybe EWG member?
  Kathy Kleiman:+1 Holly
  Carlton Samuels:@Holly +1
  Richard Padilla:@Carlton we have to we cannot continue be voiceless
  Michele Neylon:Kathy - fair point
  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:Are we agreed on two co-chairs and 2 vice-chairs
  Michael Haffely:yes
  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:and now looking for volunteers into this
  Kathy Kleiman:good question
  Carlton Samuels:@Michele: I would even consider supporting even you, the "xxx little European registrar" for leadership! :-)
  Dick Leaning:i agree that it would be ggod to have an EWG as part of the supreme leaders
  Kathy Kleiman:what is the structure we are seeking to put together?
  Michael Haffely:I'm unsure EWG would be the best choice for suprememe leaders given the 1st question we must consider
  Stephanie Perrin:makes sense, add it as a question
  Carlton Samuels:@Michael: I would suggest you look closely at the EWG personailities. For theree are a few from experience I think would be eminently qualified.
  Stephanie Perrin:@Dick, the question is, which one? :-)
  Holly Raiche:@ Michael - this is supposed to be following on from EWG so we need at least an awareness of EWG debates and outcome
  Dick Leaning:@Stephaine - i suppose that will become clear once we know who puts their hand up
  Carlton Samuels:@Holly: As usual, you see the issue clearly +1
  Otieno Antony:Suppose, we request for an expressions of interest for a chair's position, review them and appoint, then add other roles as need arises...
  Michele Neylon:EWG - Stephanie, Susan, Carlton and I all bear the scars
  Michele Neylon:As does Lisa Phifer
  Chuck Gomes (RySG):EWG - Also Scott Hollenbeck
  Lisa Phifer:@Michele - Rod is also a member of thiis WG
  Michele Neylon:Didn't realise he was in here
  Michele Neylon:or Rod
  Michele Neylon:ok - so most of the EWG are logged in :)
  Carlton Samuels:Aaah Lisa got it first!
  Carlton Samuels:First thing I did was scan the list of attendees....was VERY pleased to see the EWG representation
  Lisa Phifer:@Carlton - at least one observer as well (Lanre)
  Carlton Samuels:@Lisa: Niiice. Howdy Lanre
  Holly Raiche:Are participants in the PPSAI/Whois Conflicts welcome as observers to the august EWG veterans?
  Susan Kawaguchi:definitely Holly we need all points of view and experience!
  Carlton Samuels:@Holly: Everytime and everyone!
  Carlton Samuels:Matter of fact some from the EWG cross-populate that WG as well
  Holly Raiche:@ Carlton - maybe we should talk about the larger group of Whois veterans
  Donna Austin, Neustar:Need to drop off the call -- have a good day all.
  Amr Elsadr:Bye Donna.
  Carlton Samuels:@Holly: Exactly. THis one needs that long term view for the long haul vision to emerge with a reasonable possibility of full consensus on all points!
  Michele Neylon:Holly - I was on both PPSAI + Whois Conflicts . ..
  Michele Neylon:I think I need a hobby
  Holly Raiche:@ Michele - I always assumed you'd be part of the discussion
  Carlton Samuels:@Michele: You have one!
  Carlton Samuels::-)
  Amr Elsadr:@Michele: PPSAI + Whois Conflicts + EWG = an impressive rap sheet. ;-)
  Michael Haffely:I participated in the ALSC
  Holly Raiche:Just a question - but some of the functional stuff needs to be related to EWG recommendations - thus the RDAP issues
  Lisa Phifer:@Holly, yes, RDAP requirements would fall under one of the phase 1 questions
  Holly Raiche:@ Lisa - I hope so - it was a wrroy that RDAP featuresfor gated acess might be listed as voluntry
  Holly Raiche:sorry for misspellings
  Lisa Phifer:@Holly, RDAP actually appears in two places in phase 1 process - under data elements (for mapping to protocols) and the protocol needs themselves under system modeling
  Holly Raiche:@ Lisa - agree
  Carlton Samuels:@Holly: Not a chance. Gated access was predicated on the availability of a protocol sufficient to manage it going in and coming out. Scott Hollenbeck was lead in the EWG team that considered this with Lanre, Michele and myself.
  Michele Neylon:ICANN is currently trying to move forward with the adoption of RDAP without the policy being in place
  Carlton Samuels:..and we certainly agreed this was a necessary requirement for policy development
  Michele Neylon:which means that you have a system that will allow for even more abuse of registrant privacy
  Michele Neylon:without any policy
  Michele Neylon:with a policy you could place restrictions on data mining etc
  Holly Raiche:@ MIchele - that was the problem.  RDAP will comply with existing policy, as it should, BUT if EWG recommendations on gated access become policy, one hopes RADP functionality for gated access would be available
  Lisa Phifer:@Michele, sounds like a potential requirement (policy to guide protocol implementation)
  Carlton Samuels:@Michtele: I can tell you the ALAC is very much aware and has weighed in here.
  Kathy Kleiman:@Michele, that sounds like a real problem for registrars and the community
  Michele Neylon:Holly - and don't forget the migration from thin to thick ..
  Holly Raiche:@ Michele - agree - yet another piece to a fairly big puzzle
  Lisa Phifer:@Amr - for example of alternative outreach methods used by EWG, seehttps://community.icann.org/display/EWG/EWG+Public+Research+Page
  Jennifer Standiford:+ 1 Susan agree
  Carlton Samuels:@Susan: Yes to Mind Map by staff
  Iliya Bazlyankov:+1, agree
  Holly Raiche:Do we all miss Mikey?
  Farell FOLLY:Can you hear the current speaker ?
  Farell FOLLY:seems like connection is bad on on side or another
  Marika Konings:Correct Susan
  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ Farell, audio seems ok for me.
  Kathy Kleiman:The Whois Review Team also had recommendations on alternative outreach methods - and recommended we make sure to do special outreach in this area as it involves many parties not generally involved in ICANN processes
  Amr Elsadr:@Lisa: Thnx for that..., and thanks to Marika for the answer. I was also wondering wether or not outreach for input beyond the traditional PCPs requires notification of the chartering organization. The EWG wasn't chartered by the GNSO Council, so I'm not sure if there are different requirements.
  Theo Geurts:We will need a big room at ICANN 55....
  Chuck Gomes (RySG):I assume there will be remote access in Marrakech
  Marika Konings:Remote participation facilities will also be available for those not planning to be in Marrakech in persoon.
  Jennifer Standiford:thanks susan and icann staff members
  Michele Neylon:rightio ciao
  Chuck Gomes (RySG):Thanks all
  Janay McWhorter:will a webinar provided for those unable to attend the in-person meeting?
  Alan Greenberg:Will likely have conflict with Marrakech meeting time
  Krishna Kumar Rajamannar:Thank You! :)
  Carlton Samuels:Thanks all. Seems we're off to a great start
  Alan Greenberg:Thansk!
  Bram Fudzulani:Started with 85 participants finished with 76
  Alex Deacon:bye all
  Patrick Anglin:Bye
  Susan Prosser:thanks.
  Zuan Zhang (Peter Green):Thank you, bye
  Aarti Bhavana:Thanks, bye all!
  Luc Seufer:Bye
  Ayden Férdeline:Thank you, Susan, for chairing this meeting today
  Sana Ali:looking forward to it! bye everyone
  Amr Elsadr:Thanks all. Bye.
  Shweta Kshirsagar:Could we have a schedule table for the calls?
  Bram Fudzulani:bye
  Farell FOLLY:ok
  Iliya Bazlyankov:Thanks and bye
  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:Thanks and well off to a good start. bye
  Richard Padilla:@carlton Laters
  Norbert Komlan GLAKPE:thanks and bye
  Stephanie Perrin:thanks all!
  Maryan Rizinski:Thanks everyone and bye

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