[gnso-rds-pdp-wg] Legal Inquiry to ICANN

Stephanie Perrin stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca
Thu Feb 15 01:56:50 UTC 2018

I think this is an excellent suggestion.  May I add to this a suggestion 
that we include the DPAs who so kindly came to Copenhagen last year? 
They indicated a willingness to engage further, and I see no evidence 
that we have done so.  I am sure the Council of Europe would be happy to 
broker this for us and am copying Sophie and Peter to see if we can 
engage them to help with this task.

I must say I am getting very weary of this endless debate, and commend 
the patience of folks like Michael who have been witnessing it for a 
decade longer than I have. I would remind everybody that there has been 
no substantive change in the actual application of the EU laws to ICANN, 
except for the 4% fines.  Now, of course, as Bob Dylan famously said, 
money doesn't talk, it screams......

Stephanie Perrin

On 2018-02-14 18:01, Michael Palage wrote:
> Chuck,
> As one of the original authors to the this extraterritorial thread, I 
> welcome all the legal interpretation by both lawyers and non-lawyers 
> in connection the scope to Article 3 of the GDPR. I  think it is fair 
> to say there is a clear lack of consensus.  Therefore I would like to 
> propose the following.  Allow the group to comprise a list of legal 
> questions regarding this issue and forward it to ICANN.org and ask of 
> them the following:
>  1. Provide the list of questions to Hamilton for a response
>  2. Have ICANN legal provide a response to these same questions
> The reason for Number 2 is that John Jeffrey made very clear in the 
> last webinar that he does NOT agree with all of the Hamilton 
> analysis.  I think us ICANN volunteers toiling away in the PDP coal 
> mine are entitled/deserve an answer to these questions to allow us to 
> move forward with more productive work It does the group no good for a 
> bunch of well-intentioned individuals lacking the requisite legal 
> training to debate these issues.
> Best regards,
> Michael
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